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It is the human that is the alien,

The human that has no cousin in the moon.

It is the human that demands his speech

From beasts or from the incommunicable mass.

If there must be a god in the house, let him be one

That will not hear us when we speak: a coolness,

A vermilioned nothingness, any stick of the mass

Of which we are too distantly a part.

-Wallace Stevens

Death and Umbrella Poem


rose of

the umbrella skelton

of black melancholy



even the rain

is dark


is reflected

in its own shadow



a fold around a cone

Black wings

of damp loneliness

Or perhaps

an icon with

black nail

and beard
Kitazono Katsue

The moment two bubbles

are united, they both vanish.

A lotus blooms.

Murakami, Kijo

I'm just saying

how good it is to see her

when suddenly

she sticks out her tongue--

catches a snowflake

-Larry Kimmel

walls full

of artwork

but all I see

is her skirt moving

in the ventilation breeze

-John Sheirer