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Volcano National Park

These are the few pictures I have from the trip to Volcano National Park. No real exctiting pictures,
we were all hoping to see lava flows, but that wasn't gonna happen on this trip apparently.
The reason Scott is not in any of these pictues is because he can go to the VNP; he is allergic
to sulfur, which is smelt in the air here. I'll take more pictures next time, and hopefully I'll get to
see some lava! Enjoy!

Sechenda, Fransisco, Nikki, Jaz, Missy, Corrine, Me, Rhea, and Pam at the Crater overlook.

The main crater, Pele's home.

We drove down the road around the crater to get a closer look. We learned a little about the
Hawaiian volcano goddess, Pele. It was so massive, you couln't get a feel for it through a picture.
What a thing to see!

Me, standing at the mouth of a huge lava tube that we walked through.

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