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Yep this is me(Crafty) and my husband Steve(known as Eagle or Oldman ) behind me,
sons Stevie jr. the big guy on the right,
and our baby, Terry behind ,
and our oldest child,daughter Tammy

and once there was the two of us ,

now there are 15 of us in all

Our new grandbaby was born
June 9th weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz with brown hair ,
all fingers and toes and just turned a year old,as cute as she can be!!
and her name is Aubre Marie,
and she is so precious to us all!
and soon there will be 17!
Andrea and Stevie Jr .son Zander is almost a year old now and they are expecting a new one in March!!

On the left is,Kristina
and her sister Megan ,
their mother, Tammy and daddy Mike,
in center is Breana ,her mother, Andrea behind,
daddy Steve and baby brother and
Oldest grandson Steve the 3rd,
in his daddy's arms,
and on right is Alexis,her mother, Christina,
daddy Terry and moonface,Ayriana in her daddys arms,
and their new baby arrived June9th!

And I am proud of everyone of them!!!!!

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