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I don't know what it is
About the way You are
How You died for me
To live in my Heart

Everything on earth
Was all created by You
But You take the time
To pull me through

If You told me that
Here's what I should do
I'd have to give up hesitation
If You told me now
Here's my plan for you
I'd find I'm Your masterpiece creation

I lay it all down
And now I step aside
I live for You
For You are Life

Now it is the time
To do all that I can
You ask me to
So here I stand

When you look up
Everyone around you stops
They look up to see what you are seeing
I look up to You, Lord
Up to Heaven's tops
I pray they look up and see the meaning

No, the world can't take me
They'd best just let me be
'Cause I just wanna love You

You've given me strength
And now I can carry on
Because through Your love
I am made strong

So no matter where
It is You lead me to
I can do all things
For my strength is You

"If you've ever gone somewhere and someone was staring at the ceiling, how often do we not look? We almost always do, when we notice, and when we as Christians look up to God, the same thing happens. His strength and His love shine through us and before we know it, everyone is looking up to find what it is we see. What a blessing we can be just by living our daily lives!"