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In accordance with the prophecy, the planet Earth started out as a large asteroid caught in orbit around the sun. There weren't any signs of life until a meteor shower collided into the asteroid. The heat from the meteors rocked the asteroid and it was covered in liquid magma. The magma was slowly cooling and with that, creating massive pieces of rock territory on the asteroid. Earth did not want to be taken over by this molten rock, so it erupted with it's own liquid substance composed of hydrogen and oxygen, and surrounded the lava rocks.

After years of fighting for control of the asteroid, the Earth made a deal with the lava from the meteors. The Earth proclaimed: "This fighting is not doing either of us any good. We should call a truce and try to coexist peacefully. Since you were not here first, I think that it is only fair to keep our name, Earth, for this world." The meteor's molten rock agreed and Earth was united as a whole, some parts molten rock which they called land, and others the liquid substance called water.

One day some liquid magma erupted from a moltem rock pile. It told the water that they should unite forces and try to create something of the both of them. It said that it would truly unite them. The water splashed in agreement and accidentally mixed with the liquid magma. An explosion occurred and out of the flames rose The Goddess. The water splashed again, collided with the liquid magma, and 8 more figures appeared. The water and lava called them The9.

The Goddess communicated to the other 8 in a way unknown to the water and lava. She said: "Gillum. Fee sho kee sammack oh la. Blaiedrrs kcke azsso. Oh laaa, oh naa naa nah." Which was interpreted to say: My brothers and sisters. I pick this land within this ring to be our home. We must stay united with our creators, and create for them a beautiful world.

The 7th then helped water and lava learn to communicate with their offspring.

Soon the Earth was full of colour and beauty. The Goddess was with child and it was to be the first human life form on Earth. The9 went to their creation spot awaiting the birth of the child. The 6th and 8th built a hospus for The Goddess in the valley, which was full of pine trees.

The birth of the child lead to new life on Earth and after eons of creation, The9 were able to retire to their castles in the clouds, under the sea and inside volcanoes, and let the humans live out their own, independent lives. The humans kept faith in their non-religion, named after their creators, The9.

DISCLAIMER: Everything you have just read is bull shit -- I mean, it's all true...rock on*

So, basically Sparkle Hayter* is wicked cool...
Rock on to The Clash and NIN and
Rock on Canada, and continue to:
email the High Priestess with all your religious hate mail;
she thinks it's funny - i mean, she takes it very seriously
and strives to meet the demands of lawn gnomes with mullets
everywhere who worship Trent like the GOD he is.