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About the Chronicles

Hi! Welcome to the About the Chronicles page of the Lantern Waste

Here you can read about each story! I have made each bio short as not to spoil your reading [if you haven't read some of the stories]

The Magician's Nephew

Digory is staying with his Uncle! His Aunt is looking after his (sick) mother. But alas, Digory's Uncle decides to use Digory and his pal Polly as Guinea Pigs for a teleportation experiment...and they become the first humans to enter Narnia, along with, yes, Uncle Andrew and the Cabbie! But what are they to do about Jadis?????

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Four children (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) stumble through the back of an old wardrobe and discover the enchanted land of Narnia where they are all Kings and Queens! Along the way they meet such characters as Jadis, the White Witch; Mr and Mrs Beaver and Tumnus the faun.

The Horse and his Boy

Shasta hates his "father" Arsheesh! So he and the talking horse Bree set off to find Narnia. Along the way they are accompanied by Aravis and her Hwin!

Prince Caspian

We return to Narnia with Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy who have been mysteriously called into Narnia [By Prince Caspian V]. They help him to gain his proper position as king, not the evil mutanised King Miraz, who killed his father. In the end they are told by Aslan that only Lucy and Edmund may return

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The two children return with, make that three, their pesky cousin Eustace. They land on the boat of Caspian, whom is now king! He is venturing to the Lone Islands in search of the 7 missing Lords. But somehow I don't think Eustace quite enjoys his trip until the very end.

The Silver Chair

Aslan sends Eustace and his schoolmate Jill to Narnia in search of the lost Prince Rilian (Caspian's son) accompanied by Puddleglum, the marshwiggle. They find Rilian, inprisoned by the Lady of the Green Kirtle or simply the Green Witch. Caspian dies but Aslan revives him

The Last Battle

Jill and Eustace are brought back to Narnia on probably their last visit. A false Aslan is prancing around Narnia deceiving everyone into thinking that he's the real Aslan. But who is Aslan and who's the fake??? Narnia is destroyed but Aslan takes them "Further Up and Further In" from the Shadowlands (Narnia) and into his land which is exactly like Narnia except without any trace of evil (& destruction)

C. S. Lewis - the Storyteller
Narnia and the Bible
Tumnus' Fun and Games
Mr and Mrs Beaver's Fun Facts
Glenstorm's Theatrical Production Archives
This page was built on the 19/10/01 (DD/MM/YY)

Last updated on the 19/10/01