Count the black dots...
Are the horizontal lines parallel or do they slope?
How many legs does this elephant have?
Can you see the three faces?
Do you see the face? Or an Eskimo?
Do you see a cube missing a corner?
Or do you see a small cube in a big one?
Do you see a musician or a girl's face?
Do you see an old man's face or two lovers kissing?
Keep staring at the black dot. After a while
the gray haze around it will appear to shrink.
Stare at the black lightbulb for at least 30 seconds.
Then immediately stare at a white area on a sheet of paper. You should see a glowing light bulb!
Do you see a couple or a skull?
Is it moving and shimmering?
Look at this illusion for a while and it will
appear to be shimmering and moving.
Follow the outermost groove and watch it
change from a groove to a hump as you go around the wheel
Stare at the gray dot in the center
and move your head forward and backward.
As your head moves closer to your monitor
and then back away from your monitor, the circles
will appear to be spinning.
The Queen
Stare at the left image of the negative Queen for about 1 minute
without moving your eyes. Then look at the white box and you'll see the queen.
Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word,
not the word itself.
Why is it so difficult? Because the right half of your brain
is trying to say the color, while the left side of your brain
is trying to say the word.
Please wait a moment until the spiral has finished loading.
When it's spinning smoothly, stare at the center of the spiral
for about a minute. Then look at the back of your hand...
It will appear to be twitching and moving, as though
bugs were crawling under your skin!