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Thursday, 9 November 2006

Topic: Baha'i

Here are some New links!

To Heal the Hurts-- "Religion's rebels" Page
at http://ofOneHeart.com
(Same page, new adress)

It takes Courage, to Perhaps go against all the inborn Resistance
And let Healing move in to the spots of soreness, the many years of "religion - rebellion"-- but I cannot let anything keep me from going to Spirit with an Open heart & mind--- the only loser in that is my own self...

May my Heart Awaken !


Attached are some other links worthy of investigation, as requested,from the Baha'i---

Baha'i sites contain links to 1000's of topics;
Investigation of Truth,
Elimination of predjudice, Women's issues,
Spiritualization of Politics & all Humankind

Spiritual Solutions to Economic problems
& Social Justice
& Much More..

Email me--
For feedback, questions, support, etc.

For more Info on the Baha'is & on Baha'u'llah's claims & qualifications:

Baha'i World-- International Site

Baha'i World-- USA Site




Baha'i World Faith-- Page of Power & Hope


My Disclaimer-- Some of the words on theses pages draw heavily on the teachings of the Baha'i,
yet they do not claim to represent the Baha'i Faith as a whole…

Baha'is are not allowed to "preach", but we do share with those interested...
if appropriate, we might ask them to

Investigate the teachings for themselves

For we believe there is a great Healer in Truth...
& each person must seek it for themselves

Posted by hi5/unite at 9:11 AM HST
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:51 AM HDT
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