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Monday, 11 June 2012
Truth's Power, Denial's death
Topic: Mind

Denial: A Killing Disease      

  Most of us are much more attached to our ideas and opinions than to any person or thing— but that can and does harm us. Denial is a hidden enemy attacks under cover of what is accepted or even seen as "right" & good, normal & natural...

Tests & Trials of our Time... 

   ...often involve the turning away from truth... For example, not facing our own weaknesses or our life situation honestly keeps us more deeply wrapped in our behaviors & difficulties, adding to them .
Truth is the only way out.
      Whatever we tell ourselves that helps to shut out truth does nothing but cause harm, for to turn away from truth is deadly. Tests and trials often come to us to point us back to truths we have missed or turned away from in the paths of our lives. If there is something we need to see, we ourselves— the spirit part of us— can actually draw difficulties to us until we become humbled enough to be willing to see.
Many who conform to accepted standards, and many who don’t conform may pride themselves on their own clear & independent thinking, but beware, for denial is a master of illusion, hiding well its shape....

Posted by hi5/unite at 6:30 AM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:06 AM HDT
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