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Tutus' Kokua

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Tutu's Kokua - Home Kauai Kokua Produce- Share & Kokua
Aloha from Tutus Kokua 
   This sharing is born out of aloha, need, abundance and desire  to share skills, aloha and caring. Happy hearts will caretake & clean your trees, pick up fruit & tree rubbish, clean yard, garden, share with seniors and & food pantries and the needy.

  Your overflow of produce
           Helps feed Kaua'i's
and the hungry!

            Lucky Wells 822- 0333

     Happy Trees..........       Happy Gardens.........   Happy people….. 


                          If you were  looking for Lucky Wells' Blog at -- link here                                                                    



Long- time island resident--
references upon request.

      Got Fruit, Tree & Yard Rubbish and Critters too??

         Tutu's Kokua helps feed Kaua’i  and take care
                     your trees, yard & garden.

            Trading  Happy Helping Hands for Your Produce

           A forFree/ Barter Service    
                                                 Call Tutu Lucky at 822- 0333
         As you wish, we can...…

                    Pickup and clean up fallen fruit &/or pick for personal use only*--
                                     (Yours, ours, and/or donation to Seniors & Food bank Services)

                  Clean yard, help with garden, maintain tree / yard areas (as you wish…) 

                                   We may even be able to buy your Fruit &/ 

                 Happy Tutu   Kokua &/or In- Home Help for illness, for working parents, seniors & those in need.        
Help build a more 
Sustainable Kaua’i ,
    Healthy seniors, helping others, & the joy of sharing--
-- Thank- You !!       Mahalo for caring!!                          

                   Kaua'i Kokua-Share    Lucky Wells, sponsor 

                                 Main Number: 822- 0333   (secondary # only or Text -- 346-2460)
Kauai Kokua Produce- Share