Ok, so essentially, here is what happened. A couple of us realized that over this past year, parties have come and gone, mostly without much incident. There have been some great ones, and some lame ones, but not a whole hell of a lot of FUN UNIQUE ones. As such, we're stealing someone else's creativity to host the NIGHT OF PRIDE AND DEBAUCHERY, brought to you by VAN WILDER - PARTY LIASON.
We obviously cannot promise that this will be the best party of the year, and we're not trying to make it such. We just had a really fun idea, and we want other people to play with. The events are real, the flyers are fun, and if you come in costume, you WILL NOT REGRET IT. This is going to be a blast, and we would love to have you join us.
Why You Should Come to This Party
The Wisdom of Van Wilder