The Official YYH Couples Diagram

Well, for all those who were wondering which couplings I tacitly support (based on how well they're handled), here's the full diagram. Unfortunately, it's not quite complete due to space constraints on the paper, so Shizuru and a few others aren't in it, but I'll work on making a better one later. For now, this is about 90% accurate, and I hope you enjoy the rampant shonen-ai/shoujo-ai thoughts that went into it. The arrows on the diagram indicate romantic feeling; so if an arrow goes from Yuusuke to Keiko, it means that I support one-sided Yuusuke/Keiko, and if the arrow goes both ways it means I support a mutual pairing where they both like each other. Note that these pairings are not possible all at the same time (unless I really work at it and, perhaps, smoke crack).

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