Grant Me Aid And Succor

I've been keeping websites for a very long time, but I am, essentially, an amateur. I can't figure out tables to save my life (hence the elementary layout) and I don't know how to reproduce half of the cool JavaScript effects I want to implement. Going along with this is that I don't always know what my website needs, and since I don't get a lot of traffic, I don't have much of an idea what needs improvement. I mean, I do this for fun, but you guys are supposed to get something out of it also.

With this in mind, I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have. And I mean any. Flame me if you want. Any comments, no matter how rude, are validation of my existence, and as such are cherished, printed, and posted on my bedroom wall (much to the annoyance of my fiance). And I'll e-mail you back, I swear I will. I finally have the internet at home after many years of pining, and I always, always find time to e-mail people back. Basically I'm a webmistress on my knees: help me out as you can, and I shall love you forevermore.

You may submit these suggestions to me via this link:


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