Hikari Roivas's Fanfiction

Fanfiction sorted by series (series arranged alphabetically).




Rollin' (Destined Version)
........Category: Drama
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The song 'Rollin' ' is revamped to fit the Digidestined. Contains swearing.

My Brother's Eyes
........Category: Angst
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete (slated for revision)
........Rating: G
........Summary: Song. Matt slides down into darkness as his brother drifts farther away from him.

........Category: Angst
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: G
........Summary: Fansong. Britney Spears's 'Lucky' is changed to fit the T.K.+Kari pairing. Kari misses T.K., but she can't make anyone see her as less than perfect.

The Digiworld Saga
........Category: Many
........Pairings: Various
........Chapters Posted: ~
........Status: Discontinued
........Rating: NC-17
........Summary: A collection of interlinking stories based on several prominent OCs; co-written with Jesanae Tekani and Bandersnatch.


~Star Trek~


Something's Not Right Here . . .
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Every cliche there ever was comes into play in this parody-of-a-parody! The author is one of the tainted, those who have read all of Jesanae Tekani's Star Trek parodies and been infected with their idiocy! Beware the result . . .

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