The Return of Piedmon

Part 4

Too Much Talking

........"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH………..ouch!!!" was the unanimous response as the Digidestined and the Outkasts connected with the ground of the Digital World. Tai groaned and sat up, rubbing the back of his head as he looked for the rest of the group. T.K., Kari, Cody, and the Outkasts had landed not too far from him; further along the ground Joe and Jesanae were sprawled underneath everyone else.
........"OUCH! Jenn, get your fucking elbow out of my eye!"
........"That's not MY fucking elbow, it's IZZY'S fucking elbow!"
........"HA! HA! HA! It appears some thing's never change!"
........Everyone looked up to see six figures coming up to them.
........Theresa jumped up. "Hey everyone it's Ken and Yolei!"
........"And they've got Mimi, Michael, Willis, and Gennai with them!" Cody said.
........"Greetings Digidestined and honored guests." Gennai politely replied. "I apologize for the abruptness and rudeness at which you were summoned here, however, time is not a luxury we have."
........Gennai turned, "Follow me everyone."
........Suddenly a white light surrounded everyone and they vanished.

........ "Where the heck are we?" Chris wondered out loud as he stared at the small ranch with the pink watery sky behind it.
........"Welcome to my home." Gennai said. "Please come inside. There is much I must tell you."
........After being seated on many different colored couches placed in the parlor of the house, Gennai looked around at them all. "Please do not interrupt me until I finish. Hopefully your questions will be answered that way."
........Gennai took a deep breath and began.
........"Something terrible has happened. Since the original Eight Digidestined destroyed seven great darknesses, namely: Devimon, Myotismon, the four Dark Masters, and Apocolymon, they reset the balance of good and evil alone in the world. However, eventually good became so great that it overturned the balance. Therefore the Destiny Stones were created, one to contain the spirit of each of the great darknesses. Azulongmon's spirit was also divided up and split into the Stones. However, whenever he destroyed one of the Destiny Stones, BlackWargreymon not only let out part of Azulongmon, but also that evil spirit which resided with the piece. One of those spirits has grown stronger and return to the Human World as a spirit." He paused and took a deep breath. "Piedmon…"
........Everyone gasped.
........"Piedmon knew that, as a spirit, he couldn't stop, or even harm you Digidestined, so he took control of one of you Digidestined. Can you guess who?"
........At this bit if knowledge, everyone started eyeing one another.
........"WHAT?!?" Chris yelled. "That's impossible, I killed Davis!"
........"Wrong, Chris, he might have gone out the window, however, he's not dead. Piedmon's spirit is so powerful it prevented him or his body from dying. Anyway, Piedmon took over Davis' mind when he was at his weakest mental point…right after he found out about T.K. and Kari's…um lets say, "special relationship…"
........"Hold the fuck up." Tai, Chris, and Matt said warily. "What "special relationship?"
........Gennai cleared his throat. "That's not important right now. However, because, of the evil inside of him, Davis was rejected by the Digital World. His sister, Jun, has replaced him. Also, to what happened in the IC unit, Jun is also destined to be the second D-Generate. The D-Generate's Spirit was originally a Gothic myth from your world; it is basically a ghost with extraordinary powers that stood for justice, freedom, and rebellion, and having a good time. It's powers are tapped into when a person gets extremely angry and lets that energy out in a positive manner. When Jun finally gave up what she had become and let Matt go, the time had come. The Ghost replicated itself inside of Chris' body, then expelled the copy of itself into Jun, giving her her new look."
........"Alright, so we need to stop Piedmon/Davis, anything else?" Kari asked.
........"Yes, you need to help Chris and Jaina find their Digimon and Digieggs. I have sent the coordinates for them to all the D-Terminals. Jun doesn't need one, since she is replacing Davis, all that was his is now hers."
........Cody raised his hand. "So that means that DemiVeemon…"
........"What?" DemiVeemon spoke up.
........"Argh! When did you wake up?" Mimi asked.
........"When I heard my name." He said very cutely. He walked over to Jun on his short legs. "So you're my new partner, huh?"
........Jun smiled, "Yup, you're mine now little guy."

........"Hey Gennai, can I ask you a personal question?"
........"Of course Chris."
........"There's something I need to know; did Davis rape Jaina or did Piedmon?"
........Gennai sighed. "Davis' body did the raping, however, it was against his will. I can feel his soul crying out in sadness and sorrow for what happened. He would never do that of his own free will.
........Chris nodded gravely. "Thank you Gennai."

........ "Now, before we go…" Tai and Matt said, leering down at their younger siblings, Sora, Joe, Mimi, and Izzy standing around them, "What kind of special relationship did Gennai mention?"
........"We…um…hehe…" T.K. and Kari mumbled. "Ah…we…"
........"What Takeru and Hikari are attempting to say," Gennai said, coming up to them with the rest of the 'destined, "Is that they have, how do you say it on Earth, "shown their eternal and everlasting love for each other.""
........There was silence, then…
........"Basically, they mated."
........"WHAT!!! DO YOU MEAN THEY FUCKED?!?!" Jesanae shrieked.
........Mimi, with her mouth always two seconds ahead of her head, ran up to Kari and flung her arms around each other, exclaiming, "Oh Kari, I'm so happy for you two and…hey, wait a minute, aren't you two too young for that?"
........"Maybe so, but we love each so much that we didn't know any other way to show it." T.K. said, hugging Kari from behind.
........"Enough of this for now, I have something for you." Gennai said, holding up a box.
........"Hey, it's our crests!"
........After forming a line, Gennai looked at them all. "Alright, now, for the benefit of those who don't know all of the other's crests, I will now recite them." He stood at one end of the line and moved down. "Tai has the Crest of Courage, Sora has the Crest of Love, Joe has the Crests of Reliability, Izzy has the Crest of Knowledge, Mimi has the Crest of Sincerity, Matt has the Crest of Friendship, Jennifer has the Crest of Loyalty, Jesanae has the Crest of Compassion, Chris has the Crest of Degeneracy and the Digieggs of Miracles and Emotions, Jaina has the Crest of Diversity and the Digiegg of Diversity, and Ken has the Crest of Kindness. Kari has the Crest of Light and the Digiegg of Light, T.K. has the Crest of Hope and the Digiegg of Hope, Yolei has the Digieggs of Love and Sincerity, Cody has the Digieggs of Knowledge and Reliability, and Jun has the Digieggs of Courage, Friendship, and Miracles. Willis has the Crest of Safety and the Digiegg of Miracles, and Michaels has the Crest of Intelligence. There."
........Everyone stared.
........"Gennai, how the fuck can you remember all that?" Jaina yelped.
........"Dunno. Also, the rest of Chris' gang, the Outkasts, are here as protectors and helpers, as well, of course, as friends.
........Gennai waved his hands and a portal opened up. "This portal will take you to the cave where Chris and Jaina's Digieggs are waiting. There they will also get their Digimon partners. All your partners are their right now, waiting for you. Good luck Digidestined and friends. Save the world from Piedmon's darkness before he can resurrect any of the other evils."
........And with these words, the group stepped into the portal and disappeared.

To be continued…

Christochi-chan: Argh! (in a strained voice) Too…much…fucking…talking!


Takeru and Hikari-chans: EEP! (run away with Matt, Jesse, and Tai chasing them)

Zeke-chan: Hey Chris, what song were you listening to when you wrote this one?

Christochi-chan: It's called "Bodies" by Drowning Pool.

Jennifer-chan: Another Gothic band, huh?

Christochi-chan: Yup.

Jyou-chan: Aw, shit. Jaina, it's your turn to do the fucking disclaimer.

Jaina-chan: Fine with me. My wonderful, kind, hot, sexy boyfriend (Jesanae rolls her eyes) doesn't own Matt, Izzy, or any other actual Digimon character or concept. He does, however, own himself, Christochi Ishida, me, Jaina Skye, Zeke Aranda, Theresa Takashi, and my brother, Jacen Skye. Jesanae Tekani is owned by herself. Jennifer Morton is owned by herself. If you want to know if you can borrow any of C-chan's characters for one of your own fics, email C-chan at:

Flames, comments, and suggestions are always welcomed. You can also email Jesanae-chan at:

The Inky Phone

Or visit her website, home to all Christochi Ishida fics, as well, of course home to all of Jesanae's fics, which are really good, at:

Thank you. (holds sign proclaiming that Ranma ½ and Pokemon are evil. Chris holds up said that says "Remember to water your plant, play your video games, and kill your Davis!)

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