Hiei Images

Welcome to the pictures! We all love Hiei images, so here they are for your enjoyment.

NOTE: My sister got 99% of these pictures for me, and I know not from where. Some are doujinshi, some are fanart, and all are probably someone else's property. Know that I am not trying to pirate; if one of these images is yours and you want it taken off, I will happily go back to ogling it in the privacy of my own home. Just e-mail me to let me know. Please don't take any pictures that aren't yours for posting elsewhere, because they're not mine and I can't give you authorization. Also, if anyone has a favorite picture to submit, I'd appreciate that, too -- at least I'd know those were freely given. ^^;

SECOND NOTE: Yes, some of these are HENTAI -- mostly the yaoi ones, but some of the others as well. If you don't like it, please go away and forget about it rather than flaming me. Keep your children under lock, key and firewall.



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