JoIsBishMyoga's Fanfiction

Fanfiction sorted by series (series arranged alphabetically).




The Best Defense
........Category: Action/Adventure , Drama , Humor , Shonen-ai
........Pairings: Hiei/Kurama/Hiei
........Chapters Posted: 24
........Status: In Progress
........Rating: PG-13
........Summary: Crossover between Yu Yu Hakusho and Harry Potter. The Yu Yu Hakusho team goes undercover at Hogwarts to protect the student body from the fallout of the war with Voldemort. The question is—how undercover can a group like them stay in a school full of wizards? Takes place after Goblet of Fire (for Harry Potter) and the Ankoku Buujuutsukai (Dark Martial Arts Tournament, in Yu Yu Hakusho). Language, shonen-ai, violence.

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