Weeping Ink

Welcome to Weeping Ink. I'm borderline_mary, and you've somehow stumbled across my homepage (lucky you). Here you will find some of my fanfiction (and some of my favorite fanfiction by consenting others), pictures, links, and other stuff about me. Have a nice stay, please read the disclaimer at the bottom, remember to sign the guestbook, and excuse the poor layout. ^^;

Note: This site is sister site to Makai Nights, for which I'm currently the sole administrator, and I've tried to keep content overlap to a minimum. This means my personal fanwork is split between the two sites, and there are some other interesting tidbits (like videos, more polls, etc.) over on the other side that you won't find here. Plus Kutebare's content is over there, and she's awesome.

This site was last updated on September 15, 2009

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have visited this page since July 28, 2007

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