About borderline_mary

REAL NAME: [Classified]
DATE OF BIRTH: [Classified]
HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
AGE: 23
HAIR: Brown-black, very long
EYES: Dark brown
MAIN FLAW: Obsessive Grammar Nazi

........Mary is a quiet girl with black-framed glasses who works nights and dreams of those long-lost times of yore when she had actual money and a lot more free time. She enjoys AMVs, anime, writing, reading, movies, tabletop RPGs, playing FPS video games, and listening to music, and is more obsessive about her fanfiction than any properly sane person should be. Currently lacking steady internet access, she strives to update every once in a while; when not updating, she plays Halo 3/Left 4 Dead/Tenchu Z a lot, engages in long-running RPG campaigns for Marvel Superheroes and D&D 3rd Edition, maintains numerous characterization projects, and works on her fanfiction every spare moment. She lives with her husband and girlfriend in a tiny apartment in Iowa and has a stuffed orca named Bob.

E-mail Mary

Mary's FanFiction.Net profile
Mary's FictionPress.Com profile
Mary's GaiaOnline profile
Mary's LiveJournal

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