Pulsar's Fanfiction

Fanfiction sorted by series (series arranged alphabetically).




Jun Death-Fic
........Category: Humor , Death
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG-13
........Summary: It's Halloween and the Digidestined are getting together to party--when the most horrifying creature ever created shows up hunting for Matt's blood. The others try to protect him, and the cops get involved, bringing guns into the mix. Jun meets her end in a most satisfying way. Language, violence.




Betrayal in Pallet Town
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Ash ticks off Misty one too many times, and she leaves him to join Team Rocket! But what will she find at Rocket HQ, and will she be in too deep to get out? Co-written with Jesanae Tekani.

Stupid Cupid
........Category: Humor , Romance
........Pairings: Misty/Ash, Misty/Gary/Misty
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Misty can't seem to make Ash notice her at all, so in a fit of desperation she asks Gary to help her. How? By making Ash jealous, of course . . . Co-written with Jesanae Tekani.

Two Knuckleheads are Better than One
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: James and Ash both feel persecuted by their teams, so they decide to get together and pull off a heist, just to show everyone they're not so dumb. But two morons aren't necessarily any better than one . . . Co-written with Jesanae Tekani.

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