Raletha's Fanfiction

Fanfiction sorted by series (series arranged alphabetically).


~Gundam Wing~


Twilight of Innocence
........Category: Angst , Death (past) , Lemon
........Pairings: Quatre/Trowa/Quatre
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: NC-17
........Summary: Trowa remembers the morning of the New Edwards battle as he records memories of Quatre in his journal. Part 1 of the 3-part 'Twilight Dawning' arc.

Stumbling On
........Category: Angst , Death , Lemon
........Pairings: Duo/Trowa/Duo, Quatre/Trowa/Quatre
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: NC-17
........Summary: Duo struggles to come to terms with Quatre's death at the end of the Eve Wars. Part 2 of the 3-part 'Twilight Dawning' arc. Mild violence, strong language.

Twice Fallen
........Category: Angst , Death (past) , Lemon
........Pairings: Quatre/Trowa/Quatre
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: NC-17
........Summary: Trowa reflects on having fallen for Quatre twice. Part 3 of the 3-part 'Twilight Dawning' arc. Masturbation, strong language.

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