Rogue Phoenix's Fanfiction

Fanfiction sorted by series (series arranged alphabetically).




Isn't Love Wonderful?
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random/Pointless
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The '01 and '02 Digidestined are getting drunk in a Digibar one day when suddenly the Digi-Fate-Destiny-Couple Fairy appears to tell them whom they are destined to love! Read to find out the pairings that Fate has decreed for our favorite cast of characters! Weird and twisted humor. Contains mention of alcohol, Davis-bashing, and minor Tai-bashing. Co-written with borderline_mary.

'Digidestined Live'
........Category: Humor
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete (slated for revision)
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Tai's filming a documentary of all the Digidestined. However, his friends aren't going to just go along, especially when he catches them at some odd moments . . . Pay-per-view. ^-^ Davis-bashing, minor Tai-bashing. Co-written with borderline_mary.


~Gundam Wing~


After All of This
........Category: Angst , Death
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Duo's been hurt and captured; will Heero be able to save him, or will he be forced to take another route to keep the pilots' secrets safe?




And the Bimble Smiled . . .
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: None
........Chapters Posted: 3
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG-13
........Summary: What happens when Inu-Yasha, the Muppets, Monty Python and caffiene collide? We're all about to find out! When Inu-Yasha goes on a new mission to find a Shikon shard, Sessho-Maru appears to thwart him, revealing the higher power he has been working for all this time -- the diabolical Mr. Bimble! Will Inu-Yasha and Kagome be able to retrieve the shard while avoiding Sessho-Maru's plans to capture the Tetsusaiga? Takes place pre-Sango. Really, really random and pointless; certain characters wildly OOC. Co-written with borderline_mary.


~Star Trek~


The Abattoir Effect
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Giant fire hydrants, house-sized killer dust bunnies, deadly hallucinatory gasses -- what will the bridge crew do to escape this deadly planet? Kirk-bashing, Chekov-idolatry. Utter lack of plot. Co-written with borderline_mary.

All My Crewmen
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Poor Chekov. Poor, persecuted Chekov. It seems as though no one loves him -- except for Kirk's personal yeoman, Janice Rand, who would like nothing better than to take him into her cabin, feed him some liquor, and comfort him. But what will Captain Kirk do when he finds out? Who else is involved in this love triangle? How horrid and soap-opera like can this parody possibly be? Co-written with borderline_mary.

Arena: Revised
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: A strange alien being transports the bridge crew to an arena-like setting, where they are forced to fight each other to survive. The price of failure is death. The price of victory -- is cheerleading. Co-written with borderline_mary.

Friends Don't Let Friends Drink and Fight Klingons
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The crew are all sitting around the bridge getting wasted when Klingons attack! How will they manage to survive the encounter when they can't even pronounce the word 'fire'? Co-written with borderline_mary.

It's Time to Face the Music
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The Star Trek crew find themselves at the mercy of -- KHAN! Dundundunnn! Will they be able to withstand the horrible music he plays over their comm system, or will it slowly drag them down into insanity? Co-written with borderline_mary.

Let's Play Sardines!
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Snatched from the ship by an unknown force, the crew are trapped like sardines in a can -- wait. This might actually be a can . . . Not even a semblance of plot. Co-written with borderline_mary.

Operation Earth
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: When Spock makes an 'error' that throws the ship back in time to Medieval Earth, they'll have to employ every first contact protocol in the book to get out of this one without -- crap. Co-written with borderline_mary.

The Snack Food from Hell
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Filled with phasers that don't work, love for Chekov, and man-eating Doritos. Nothing even close to plot. Co-written with borderline_mary.

Tribbles in the Foliage
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: A planetary survey for dilithium becomes an all-out war against a tribe of wildwomen who worship the Sacred Tribbles! Will they ever find those dilithium crystals with Spock weighed down by Chapel, Scotty captured, and Kirk busy chasing nonexistent skirts? Co-written with borderline_mary.

We Don't Allow That In Here!
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The Star Trek cast are back again with more screwed-up humor! When Klingons suddenly appear and take over the engine room, Kirk and crew must face them or be buried in heaps of deadly tribbles! Co-written with borderline_mary.




You Can Hurt Yourself if You Run with a Batleth
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: An alien encounter leaves the ship without females -- to what lengths will the woman-crazy captain go to recover them? Crossover with Pokemon and the obscure computer game Commander Keen. Co-written with borderline_mary.

Where No One Has Phasered Before
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The Star Trek cast are trapped in a Saturday morning lineup! It becomes an epic struggle to survive the culture clash, and to suppress the unstoppable urge to destroy everything they encounter. Co-written with borderline_mary.

The Taming of the Crew
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: Tachi Kamiya, Captain of the Starship Enterprise, leads his gallant crew on a mission to a strange new planet, where they will discover a horror beyond all horrors--this planet belongs to Jun-sama, and the inhabitants revere her as a goddess! Will the Enterprise crew manage to escape with their lives? Crossover with Star Trek TOS. Lots and lots and lots of Davis-bashing. Co-written with borderline_mary.

See Jou Run. Run, Jou, Run!
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Sora/Tai/Sora, Mimi/Izzy/Mimi, Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: The crew of the Enterprise are caught in an ion storm that blows them into another dimension! Will their mission of exploration yield them a way home, or will they end up stuck in the Digital World forever? And most importantly -- will any of the redshirts survive the combined onslaughts of flowers, lightning bugs and Piedmon? Co-written with borderline_mary.

I Choose -- Her!
........Category: Humor
........Pairings: Jesse/James/Jesse, Ash/Misty/Ash, Random
........Chapters Posted: 1
........Status: Complete
........Rating: PG
........Summary: What happens when the bridge crew of the original Enterprise end up accidentally warping into the Pokémon universe? Will they befriend those they find there -- or will their phasers be stuck on 'kill'? Lots of character bashing. Co-written with borderline_mary.

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