
There have been a few inexplicable bugs on the site, which as far as I know having nothing to do with my ability to code basic HTML. If something is giving you a problem, see if it's on this list, and if I've encountered it before, there'll be a suggestion for how to fix it. If it's not on the list, please do let me know what it was and if you found a solution, and I'll post it straightaway.

I opened the songfic .mp3, and it's not working.
........It won't function at all if you're running Linux; in any other case, please report it to me. Sometimes the code I use randomly stops working (no, really) and I'm forced to recode it; this has happened to me twice. I think that as the programs that make it work get updated, sometimes it gets unsupported if it's here too long.

The site takes forever to load pages even though my internet is really fast.
........Some firewalls and networking systems have problems with Angelfire. If you have high security settings, try lowering them a notch (go to the Tools menu and pick Internet Options, then click on the Security tab to do this); unfortunately, if it's the networking system -- common in computer labs or libraries -- you may just have to try a different computer. My school computers hate Angelfire for no reason that I can fathom, and the only solution I've found was to go use my parents' computer instead.

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