The Spillover Trilogy: Parts 2 & 3

While 'Changing Death' is posted on Makai Nights rather than here, it's my current project and first serious attempted at a chaptered fic, and the story that really got me into this hobby with a dedicated vengeance; so, when it's completed, I plan to continue the storyline with a pair of novel-length crossover sequels. It's ambitious, to be sure, but I'm nothing if not optimistic. The three stories have been tentatively titled the Spillover Trilogy.

'Waking the Lost'

Series: YYH, FMA

Summary: The Meikai, supposedly sealed away for centuries, has caused an unexplained time flux between several of the planes to which it used to connect; the Reikai discovers that there has been a leak for an untold length of time, which has been interfering with one of the worlds under King Enma's direct governance and is now beginning to suck in departed souls, putting them beyond the reach of the Spirit World. While Koenma mobilizes his own team, King Enma gives him leave to collect more team members from that very same world to enter the Meikai, free the trapped souls, and seal off the leak. However, when two new members join the Tantei, the repercussions for their world cannot be foreseen, and may mean they have nothing left for which to return.

Pairings: Yuusuke/Kurama/Yuusuke, Yukina/Kuwabara/Yukina, Russell/Edward, Edward/Roy, Winry/Edward, Alphonse/Winry, Riza/Roy

Notes: The direct sequel to Changing Death, this fic crosses over with Fullmetal Alchemist and continues the storyline by picking up another eight months later. Most of the pairings from CD that survive the end of that fic will be much further along and better developed. Additionally, I'm doing much the same thing with FMA that I did with YYH -- that is, I'm splitting the storyline off at a certain point and continuing the series as though nothing past that exists. The point in question is Ed's first fight with Wrath (which, I was recently informed by those who have read the manga [which I have not; I'm working with the FMA anime canon], is actually where the anime itself diverges from the manga storyline). While this is intended to be more action and drama, rather than tragedy as CD was, there'll be a fair amount of angst as well, and beware the TV Tropes junkie in me. There's a lot of world-bending involved in harmonizing these two series, so I'll be taking suggestions and criticism as I go.

'The Cepheid Variable'

Series: YYH, FMA, GW

Summary: Stranded on another alien world, the Tantei and the Elrics are thrown into a conflict they do no understand; unable to use their powers, they struggle desperately to stay together and to reach the one person who may be able to help them return home. But is there a home to return to -- and will it be the same?

Pairings: Quatre/Trowa/Quatre, Duo/Quatre, Heero/Relena, Edward/Roy, Hiei/Kurama/Hiei, Kurama/Yuusuke/Kurama

Notes: Without a doubt an ever weirder crossover than WTL, this fic pulls Gundam Wing into the storyline in my usual split-off-and-continue fashion; the split for GW is right after the first Wing Zero incident. There are a lot of strange, unlikely timeline fluctuations that went into making this work, most of which I plan to tentatively establish in WTL. I've made a lot of peculiar plans for this fic, and as always, I'm not above a little death and destruction and exploitation of negated canon elements. I consider this plot idea to be a rebound from WTL back towards the style of CD, meaning it will be angsty as hell, but I'm trying to include an element of mystery as well, and keep with the general GW theme that there's a lot more going on under the surface than you might think.

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