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Randy Scouse Git

By: Dyani and Gidget

Micky was sitting in his hotel room, quite bored. He'd been in England for almost a week and the loneliness was already creeping in. Sighing, he flipped off the television, nothing interesting was on anyway. Sitting back in his chair trying to decide what to do, the phone rang. 'Great, probably some reporter wanting another dull inane interview', he thought to himself as he picked up the phone.

His first thought was way off....

"Hello?" Micky asked, cradling the phone between his ear and his shoulder.

"Hi, is this Micky Dolenz's room?" a thick, familiar-sounding British voice on the other end asked.

"Yeah, it is, who's this?"

"Oh, 'ey mate, this is Paul McCartney."

Micky just about dropped the phone out of shock. "P-Paul McCartney?" Micky squeaked, his hands starting to sweat.

Clearing his throat he regained as much composure as he could muster. "Hello, um, what brings you to call me up?" He felt like smacking himself for sounding so stupid.

"Well, I heard you were in town, and with this media field day the press is having from your mate Mike meetin' up with John and Rings, thought I'd offer to pay you a visit out of the limelight."

Silence on Micky's end for a moment ensued as his mouth went dry and he couldn't quite bring himself to speak. He couldn't believe what he was hearing!

Barely containing the grin that started spreading across his face, Micky answered, "Sure!" Pausing he took a deep breath and continued, "When would you like to meet up?"

Man, this was a dream come true. Suddenly Micky wasn't so bored anymore.

"How 'bout tonight? Jane's gonna be gone for a few weeks, so I have the pad to myself. Why don't you come over?"

Micky was beside himself. "Alright, what time do you want me over?" He was pacing the floor in excitement now, no longer able to contain himself.

Nonchalantly, Paul answered "Any time that's good for you is good for me." You could hear the smile in his voice as he said it. He then continued to give Micky the driving directions to his place.

Micky grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing down the directions, and his hand started shaking a little as he said, "Ok, um how about in maybe half an hour?"

Paul gave him the confirmation and Micky hung up the phone. Grabbing a jacket from the back of a chair he left his lonely hotel room to meet his idol.


It took Micky less than half an hour to get to Paul's house. He sat out in the car for a couple of minutes composing himself; he didn't want to sound like a blithering idiot.

Feeling as composed as he could possibly be, Micky got out and strode to the door. With sweaty hands he knocked on the door. Quickly drying them off on his jacket, he waited for the door to open.

A minute or two later, the door opened, revealing Paul in all his glory, a big smile across his face, decked out in full hippie attire - an ivory silk Indian shirt printed with paisleys, black bellbottoms, some love beads hanging from his neck - if Micky hadn't known better, he'd of sworn Paul had ripped this outfit straight off Davy.

"Hey, Mick! Come on in," Paul said, welcoming Micky inside.

Grinning from ear to ear, he answered "Hi Paul!" Micky walked inside, looking around. "This is a groovy pad."

Pulling off his jacket he followed Paul to the living room where they sat on the couch. Micky's nerves were starting to get the better part of him and he started sniffling.

Just then, this big shaggy dog came bounding into the living room and bound over to Micky and Paul, leaping onto Micky's lap. Chuckling, Micky reached up and ruffled the dog's neck.

"Ah, I see you and Martha have met!" Paul laughed as he watched Martha start trying to climb up onto Micky's lap. "She doesn't realize she's that big, she still thinks she's a pup." Paul smoothed the couch next to Micky, preparing to sit, and Martha jumped up and curled herself into place. "I think she likes you!"

Chuckling, "I like her too. She's groovy." Micky continued petting Martha, his nerves settling down and his sniffling subsiding. "How long have you had her?" he asked. "I have a cat named Shorty Blackwell and a dog named You."

"Oh really? I have a cat too....her name's Tabitha. She's not so much of a people cat though, but I'm sure she's hiding out somewhere. Martha, I've had 'er since...." He paused for a moment in though, rubbing his chin. "Since last year, I guess. Got her when things with Jane started getting tense..." He then completely changed the subject immediately by producing a small plastic bag from his pocket. "You smoke?"

Micky's eyes went wide at the sight of the bag. "Um, yeah, a little...I'm not as into it as Peter or anything but... yeah."

Paul smiled. "That's alright. You want some though?" He extended the bag to Micky, along with a rolling paper and a lighter. "It makes the telly do funny things..."

"Sure, ok." Micky took the stuff and started to roll a smoke. Handing the bag back to Paul, "What kind of funny things does the tv do?" Lighting the roll, he looks at Paul and takes a long drag.

"You'll see love..." Paul said while rolling himself a smoke as well.

Micky's mind raced. 'Oh my god, Paul McCartney just called me love!' He felt a bit faint even. 'I wonder when I should ask him for his autograph...'

Just then, Paul picked up a rectangular device with a few switches on it, pointed it at the television, and amazingly it turned on. "WHOA!!" Micky was tripping over this. "What IS that thing??" This was in the days when only the richest of celebrities had such luxuries as remote controls...

"It's a clicker," Paul replied with a chuckle.

"A clicker, groovy...I must get me one of those." Micky replied with enthusiasm. He was growing consious of the little book he had jammed into his back pocket.

He turned his head to look at the television screen as Paul adjusted it and snow came on...the snow started making little figures the more Micky smoked... then it started speaking....

"Woah...what a trip!" Micky giggled. The higher Micky got the more he wanted to ask if he could have an autograph. Finally his mouth overran his brain and he blurted out, "Can I please have your autograph, Paul? Please." Micky couldn't stop himself and he giggled again. "Please Paul, I'll do ANYTHING!!" he begged, almost giving into the temptation to drop to his knees.

Paul raised an eyebrow, quite amused at this display. "ANYthing?"

"Oh YES, anything!!"

A smile began to creep to Paul's lips as he contemplated just what he wanted....

A strange feeling started coming over Micky as he noticed the smile creeping across Paul's face.

The smile spread even more across Paul's face. "Anything..." he repeated. He was high, but not as high as Micky. Rising off the couch, he grabbed Micky's wrist. "Follow me."

Micky's head swam as he was being led from the living room. 'What did I just agree to?' Micky gulped.

Paul led them to a bedroom and closed and locked the door as Micky walked farther to the center of the room, taking in his surroundings. "Come here." Paul said, motioning to where he stood.

Micky did as he was told, but not knowing why. Standing directly in front of Paul, Micky tried to read what was going on inside Paul's head, but he was just way too high.

"On yer knees, babe," Paul said quietly, putting his hands on Micky's shoulders and gently easing him downward. Once Micky was situated properly, Paul undid his pants and took Micky's hands in his and stroked them along his cock. Micky became stunned as Paul took his hands in his own and had him touch the one place Micky had never thought about touching on another guy.

As Paul's strokes became more forceful, Micky became more confused. Quietly, "What do you want me to do?"

Paul was beginning to breathe more heavily as this point. "I want you to get me off..." he said between breaths. "Wank me...or suck me......just get me off, please..." He was almost beginning to sound like he was pleading with Mick.

"Ok...I--I've never done this before." Micky replied quietly. "Which do you really want me to do?" His nerves were starting to get the better of him and he started sniffling again.

Paul ran his fingers through Micky's silky hair, and gently pulled his face towards his crotch. "It's alright luv, I'm sure you'll catch on quick."

Micky's breathing quickened and his heart raced as he timidly took Paul into his mouth. Closing his eyes he created a rhythm that drove Paul into a frenzy. The more Micky sucked the more aroused he became himself, shocked and almost embarassed he concentrated on getting Paul off. Not wanting Paul to think even worse of him, Micky hoped Paul wouldn't see the painful bulge that was straining against his own pants when he got up.

Paul dug his fingers more into Micky's curls and pulled him as far up against him as possible, making Micky take him all at once. He held him there for another minute or two, and not taking into account that because this was Micky's first time at this, he might choke, thrusted himself deep into him until he finally shot his load down Micky's throat.

Micky's eyes grew wide when Paul shoved him farther on and drew in a startled breath as Paul shot off into his throat. Tears formed as Micky tried not to choke and gag. Despite the fact Micky felt a little used, he was still aroused. So he decided to stay where he was as Paul withdrew and pulled his pants back up. Micky covered his crotch with his hands, hoping he wasn't being obvious and bit his lower lip.

Paul happened to notice Micky covering himself with his hands as he re-zipped his fly. "'Ey mate, whassamatter? I didn't knee ya or anything did I?"

Micky blushed. Afraid to speak he just shook his head and continued to bite his lower lip. Hoping Paul would'nt ask him to rise off the floor, because at this point he would not be able to without help, and if he got help the reason would be very obvious.

After another moment or two, Paul began getting a little uncomfortable himself. " need me to help y'up?"

Micky blushed even more. "I am kinda stuck." he managed to barely get out. The bulge in his pants was extremely painful and he almost felt like crying.

"Here, lemme help you then," Paul offered, putting an arm around Micky's back to try and lift him to his feet.

Micky put one arm around Paul as the older guy wrapped his arm around Micky's back, but tried to keep his other hand closer to where he could cover himself when the time came. When Micky noticed that he wasn't going to be able to use just the one arm to help himself off the floor he gave a frustrated grunt and put his other arm around Paul. He was half-way off the floor when he became a little off-balanced and fell into Paul, his crotch coming into contact with Paul's leg. Embarrassed, Micky turned his head and tried to hold back the tears.

"What's wrong, Mick?" Paul asked, picking up quickly on Micky's emotional state, and had of course noticed the tent pitched in Micky's pants. He glanced down at it for a moment. "I could do something about that for ya, y'know..."

Turning his head to look at Paul, Micky bit his lip. He tried to read Paul, to see if he was teasing, but he saw no sign of being teased. Sighing, Micky answered, "You could? H-how?" He blushed again.

"However you'd like me to..." Paul breathed lightly into his ear, before gently nibbling on his ear lobe. In Micky's still high state he became even more aroused as Paul nibbled on his ear. Moaning a little, Micky let his hands roam to Paul's neck and closed his eyes a little as his mouth found Paul's. He didn't care anymore, all Micky knew was he was so aroused he felt like dying in Paul's arms right there. In a sigh Micky mumbled, "Do what you want, just release me, please."

"Oh yes.......I will........." Paul breathed into his ear again and started planting little kisses down his neck while letting one hand wander to the waistband of Micky's pants. Micky moaned and unconsciously leaned farther into Paul, wanting more contact. He ran his hands through Paul's hair and let one hand trail down his back. Paul slipped his hand down into Micky's pants while cradling Micky by the small of his back with his other arm. He let his fingers explore Micky's hardness for a minute or two before unzipping the fly of Mick's pants and pulling them down to about his knees, along with his boxers, freeing Micky's aching cock from restraint. Micky hissed a little as the cool air rushed to his aching member. Letting his mouth find Paul's, Micky kissed him with passion, hoping to convey his need. Paul caressed Micky's cheek while he tongue-dueled him. After a few more minutes of this, he pulled himself off of Micky.

"How come you stopped?" Micky asked, breathlessly and almost alarmed.

"Shhhhh..." Paul hushed him and put his finger gently to his lips. "Take yer clothes off." He began undressing himself and waited for Micky to do the same.

Micky took his boots off and his pants and boxers, then he pulled his sweater over his head. Completely nude in front of Paul, Micky began to feel self conscious and started rubbing his arms, biting his lower lip wondering what Paul had in mind.

Paul, also completely nude at this point, ignored Micky's self-conciousness and laid down right on top of him, and resumed tongue-fucking him while grinding his hips against Micky's and moaning passionately into the kiss. Micky drew in a little breath as Paul lay on top of him and started kissing him again. Moaning, Micky became drunk when Paul started grinding his hips into his own. Lifting his knees a little, Micky returned the kiss and instinct took over as his hands roamed down Paul's back and onto his hips where they lingered, driving Paul on farther. The more Paul rubbed against Micky, the more aroused he got, and the less self-concious as well. He nibbled Micky's ear again and moaned, "Ohhhhhh............I want to fuck you.......will you let me?"

Micky, with the effects of the pot and Paul's touch, had now long lost all his inhibitions and nodded yes. Paul, reluctantly, rolled off him and reached towards the bedside drawer to pull out a tube of lubricant....

Micky raised his hands to his chest and watched Paul as he pulled out a small silver tube. Not knowing what was to come next, he let Paul continue his control. He drew in a sharp breath as Paul inserted one, then two, and finally a third lubed finger into Micky, stroking in and out. It hurt a little at first, then the pain subsided and Micky started succumbing to the new feeling.

After wiping his fingers off on a nearby towel that just happened to be laying around, he pulled Micky into his arms and faced him away from him, and wrapped one arm around his chest, and one lower down around his belly. "Relax, and take a DEEP me on this...." he said, trying to prepare Mick for his next move.

Nodding, Micky gulped and did as he was told, awaiting what was to come next.

Paul tried to ease himself as gently and slowly as possible, as so not to hurt Micky, but even so, Micky cried out in pain and nearly jumped a mile. Had it not been for Paul holding him, who knows what would have happened.

"Shh, it's okay mate, relax!! It'll be alright, wait a minute or two, I promise it won't hurt so much. I'll stop till you're ready to go again, okay?"

Micky bit his lip and nodded. After a minute Micky gave the ok for Paul to continue, already kind of getting used to being somewhat filled by Paul. Squeezing his eyes shut to stave the tears, Micky tried to relax more as he felt Paul enter him little by little.

As Paul slowly started back up, he kept one hand on Micky's abdomen to feel when he inhaled sharply or was tensing up, so even if he said nothing, he'd know to slow or stop. With his free hand, he reached around and began stroking Micky's "band member" again, further exciting him. Micky didn't know whether to moan in pleasure or groan from the slight pain he felt. After a few more minutes he got used to the feeling and started relaxing in Paul's arms.

Paul finally hit a spot Micky never knew he had and he started moaning with pleasure as he was being stroked from the inside out. His breathing became erratic as he thrust in time with Paul, grabbing onto the sheet below him. The new sensations sent Micky into a tail spin and he felt as if he left his body to some other realm.

Having finally hit that secret, super-sensitive spot on Micky, Paul decided it was finally safe to speed up a bit and start thrusting into him harder. At the same time, he continued to fondle and manipulate Micky's private parts, bringing him to the brink fairly quickly. Micky's moans became louder as Paul brought him to the edge. After what seemed an eternity, Micky squeezed his eyes shut and came with a force that felt like it could have shot them both to the moon and back. Shuddering under Paul, he breathed hard. Paul came shortly after, exploding into Mick, and practically collapsed on top of him. He held Micky in his arms and rested his head on Mick's shoulder, breathing heavily. Micky gasped and shuddered as Paul came, never experiencing a sensation like that before. Relaxing in Paul's arms Micky released his grip on the sheet as his breathing slowed a bit and his eyes started drifting shut.

Paul withdrew and pulled the sheet from under them and wiped the both of them off with it before tossing it to the floor, knowing the cleaning lady would get it in the morning. He ran his fingers through Micky's hair, loving the feel of it. After a couple minutes he got up and reached to the dresser drawer.

"What're you doing?" Micky asked tiredly.

"You still want that autograph, don't ya?" Paul smiled.


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