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Examples of Photo Editing
by Willow

Most of these pet photos are examples of "before and after", in which I've removed backgrounds and edited the animal's eyes that have the glare of the camera's flash, and in some cases, glaucoma.

The first photo is of my Golden retriever, "AJ".

There is also a photo on mid-page, of my other golden, "Bubba".

The Lhasa Apso, "Tiffy", is my mom's dog.

The rest belong to friends, and people I've emailed with on

If you have a photo of your pet that you would like enhanced, contact me by sending an email to , and I'll see what I can do. (There is no charge.)

My home page is WilloWorld

Towards the bottom of the page, some of the photos have no "before", because unfortunately, as sometimes happens when I've had way too much coffee, I accidently deleted the originals.

So many of the animals on this page have been rescued from horrific circumstances.. They have been given a new chance at life by being adopted by their new families.

If you are thinking of getting a pet, please check with your local rescue groups and consider adopting a senior dog.

One of my favorite rescue organizations is Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.

ALSO....Help put Puppy Mills Out Of Business!!

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Before you look at anymore photos, I'd like to show you what an animal rescue organization can do. The following two pics are of Tinkerbelle and she was rescued by the good folks at BONES ANIMAL RESCUE. Tinker was abandoned in an old trailer and she existed for a VERY long time on garbage. The rescue group heard about her and after several hours, finally caught her and took her to their sanctuary. She had a tennis ball sized tumor on her tummy which was removed and after much care and love, Tinker is now in a safe home. By the way, she was 15 years old at time of rescue.

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If you are planning on acquiring a pet, PLEASE check out the local rescue groups first. If you can't adopt, then think about giving a donation to your local group. Even five dollars will help.

Many of the dogs on this page were rescued by volunteer organizations. Some of them were ready for adoption at the time of the photos.

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Big Boy

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----Mr BeBee



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CLICK HERE to read about J.D., just one example of a rescued senior dog.

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This next photo is of my golden, Bubba. My reflection is showing in his with white socks, the house in back with blue sky, an awning from the porch swing propped against the garage door and our other golden, AJ, has his butt right in front on the right side.

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Updated October 18, 2005
