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YWAM Calbayog House - Interior

The table all set in the dining room

Another view of the dining room.

Cooking up some stew in the kitchen

Doing dishes in the kitchen

Pouring the Coca-cola for dinner with staff and a visiting Cebu DTS team

YWAMers pose with another excellent meal

Birthday celebration for Vikki (Cebu DTS student).

Living room area.

Living room and dining room

Living room and dining room

Staff and students at lunch

YWAM posters

YWAM Calbayog base history and vision
Tour of the YWAM Calbayog base house
Childrens Ministry
Church Ministry
YWAM Calbayog staff
Photo tour of Calbayog City and surrounding area
YWAM Calbayog Main Page
YWAM Philippines websites & other YWAM links