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YWAM Dagupan

ENLARGING GOD'S TERRITORY (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

We pioneered this YWAM Base in Dagupan City, Pangasinan on February 7, 2003 by God's GRACE. The TEAM was commissioned by YWAM Baguio Base.

Our Mission Statement is to reach out families, parents, and lost souls particularly the unreached people groups of Dagupan City, Pangasinan province, including other parts of Philippine Archipelago, ASIA, and beyond - to worship God, develop an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father, meditate and apply the Word of God, and receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We aim to see them evangelize, train, disciple, become long term Missionaries, and multiply.

We are thanking God for opening doors to minister. He revealed and disclosed lovely and marvelous ministries. Here, We have mobilized Churches, conducted friendship evangelism at two universities, toiled on a literacy program, feeding, relief distribution, and shared God's Word to poor and needy at Slum Areas including the Badjao Tribe. We have also conducted some evangelistic meetings to various areas, community service, and many others. God was and is always at work anytime of the day, week, month, and year. He has transformed people's lives. Great to witness God's miraculous power. Truly nothing is impossible with God.

YWAM Dagupan Staff and Kids
Back Row: Manny and Gina Wabe with Deborah May and Josiah
Front Row: Ana Margarita Plaza, Queeny Plaza, Mark Plandano and Fronie Lastimado.

Dagupan City covers a total land area of 4,008 hectares with an estimated population of 139,678. It has 31 districts.

From Manila, the country's capital, Dagupan is 212 kilometers. It can be traveled for 4 to 5 hours by any land transportation. From Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines, is 70 kilometers and can be reached in 2 hours by any land transportation.

Pangasinan is one of the largest province in the Philippines. Covers a land area of 536,818 hectares with an estimated population of 2,500,412 and comprises of 44 municipalities and 4 Cities.

Base address:

Manny & Gina Wabe
PO Box 173
Dagupan City
2400 Pangasinan

YWAM Dagupan Center
What's New
Mission Mobilization
Campus Ministry
Urban Poor
Gideon Student Sponsorship
Ebenezer Malnourished Children
Badjao Tribe
Health Care
Bonuan Ministry
Photo Gallery
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Original Webmaster of this YWAM Dagupan website - Dave Brodie.
