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Discipleship Training School (DTS)

Give this time of your life to Jesus and see what He will do!

Of course as a Christian our whole life belongs to Him - He has bought us with a price. But there are times in our lives when He calls us to set aside other considerations and listen wholeheartedly to Him.

Maybe you are looking for a way to know God better or to find a way to enter full-time Christian service. Then this school is for you. It will combine lots of down-to-earth teaching with a special emphasis on equipping you for Christian service on the island of Palawan, elsewhere in the Philippines, or anywhere in the world that God may send you.

Most of the world has yet to follow Jesus Christ. Is God calling you to reach them? As we train you in ministering to tribal people, boat people, city dwellers and more, we believe God will lead you into the place of ministry that He has prepared for you and reveal much more of Himself to you in the process.

----Some Topcs Covered in the DTS----

The Ways and Character of God
The Father Heart of God
Hearing God's voice
Prayer and Intercession
Spiritual Warfare
Practical Evangelism
World Missions
Inductive Bible Study
Repentance and a clear conscience

During the school....

...You will receive practical teachings from qualified teachers coming from the Philippines and other parts of the world

There will be regular times to process what you learn in small groups and one to one talks with school staff

Daily and weekly work duties help to keep down the cost and to produce character-building qualities

Fun nights, outings, and regular weekly outreaches wil give you opportunities to grow in your relationship with others students and staff of the school.

And then we will take out your into the world to share what God has done in your life and with others. Several short outreaches during the course of the school will give you a chance to minister to tribal people, boat people, city dwellers, prisoners and many more.

Finally the school will take an eight week outreach in the Philippines, Vietnam or another country in Asia.

The world is waiting to hear the Gospel. God is ready to tell them. Are you ready to answer His call?


The DTS school fees will cover room, board and tuition. The outreach phase will include costs in addition to that, depending on the location of the outreach. A full schedule of fees and financial policies, as well as an application will be sent upon request.

Students in Puerto Princessa DTSs have come from all over the Philippines as well as from overseas.

For the DTS information packet please email, write or phone us. contact information on the main page)


Discipleship Training School (DTS)
Prison Ministry
Tribal Ministry
YWAM Palawan Newsletter Updates
Tour of the original & former YWAM Palawan base (1992 - 2002)
Puerto Princessa City Tour
YWAM Philipppines bases and other YWAM links