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Puerto Princesa Town

Puerto Princesa was named after Princess Eulalia of Spain who was daughter of the reigning monarch, Queen Isabella II. The city is 106 kilometers long and is the largest city in the Philippines. It is a melting pot of many cultures. Total inhabitants number around 175,000. The predominant local tounge is Cuyumo. However Tagolog, Visayan and English are widely spoken.

Puerto Princesa from the air

Puerto Princesa airport. Air travel from Manila to Puerto Princesa takes less than an hour and is available twice daily.

Inter-island passenger vessels ply the Puerto Princesa route from Manila, Iliolo, on a weekly basis.

The main shopping area in the center of downtown

The Puerto Princesa cineman only shows American films of only the very highest quality!

Street area near the market.

The Youth Chess center in Mendoza Park in the center of the city.

The decorations are from the city fiesta, which runs from December 8th into the New Year.


City tour part 2 - Puerto Princesa Cathedral
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