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Tribal Ministry

The Tribal Ministry includes:

Church planting - Planting churches in some remote areas that often requite hiking into

Evangelism - many outreach teams from within the Philippines and without have been involved in spreading the gospel to these tribals, many who have not heard it before.

Community development - Helping villages with such projects as water systems, toilets, farming, and the raising of carabaos and pigs.

Tuberculosis Program - We have helped many TB patients and more continue to need treatment

Daily Vacation Bible School - a week long school for children to young people. Many children have been saved throght this as well as some of the parents. Children's sponsorship Program - Sponsoring children into elementary and higher education.

Discipleship Training School (DTS)
Prison Ministry
Tribal Ministry
Tour of the original & former YWAM Palawan base (1992 - 2002)
YWAM Palawan Newsletter Updates
Puerto Princessa City Tour
YWAM Philipppines bases and other YWAM links