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ALL about my friends!!

HEY!! I thought I would do a page for ALL of my close friends.....:0)

If I forgot about you...I AM SORRY!!

Jamie B: Now that you are done college.. its crazy how much I don't see you anymore. It helps though that I live alot closer though lol! We will have to party again soon. Love yah girl!

Lara: My sister Lara, haha now that I live with you all the time I consider you my sister! Love yah girl!

Janet: You live so far away right now :0( I can't wait till I see you again girl! I hope everything works out between you and Ren! Hope to come visit you sometime .. to see your place!

Nicole: It was so nice seeing you again when you came home for commencement. I can't wait to see you again too. We all miss you dancing buddy!!!

Sabrina: My cousin.. SFC.. we always have fun when we get together..Miss you girl.. !!

Dianne: WOW!! Your one crazy little girl. I'm so HAPPY that you are workin' together at BROKE again! Have fun at Ikea

Josh: We have been friends for since grade 10.. and I'm so thankful that you have been there for ME when I needed you the must.

Mark: The love of my life!! I'm so glad everything worked out between one another! We have been through so much that I'm not going to loose you! I love you with everything and forever!

I will add more people later!! :0) I won't forget ya

Crazy Casey's Place
