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~*My One TRUE Love*~

This poem is for my BABY Dale!!! I wrote this the other night, and I wanted to have another poem on my web page ..about how special he is to me!! I love him with all my heart!! one true love

I loved you so much how much you'll never know,
When you held me in your arms I never wanna let go.
You looked at me with your beautiful blue eyes.
I hoped and wished our love would never die.

For you, you think I didn't care
Oh yes, I did even if it didn't seem as it wasn't there
For you left at the end of the year.
It seemed as though everynight I shed a NEW tear.

To let you know you had my love and care.
The pain when you left I cannot bare
My one true love you are to me
Juat know I'll always love you endlessly

I love you Dale!!!!!!!!! Never forget it!!
