= The album that best represents the artist/band as a whole. Their definitive statement and probably the album that most people will find something likeable on. As good as this album is, it may still only be of interest to someone who likes this band or artist's music. For example: a highest recommendation on a Sonic Youth album will mean nothing to a soul fan.
= Just have one album by an artist but want to get another? Well, anything carrying this stamp of approval will probably be to your liking. This is for the person who is not 100% familiar with the band, but familiar enough to be interested in hearing more.
= A very challenging album and one that would not make a good first impression. Perhaps you would like it later on when you've fully digested more accessible albums. Not necessarily a bad album.
= That artist or band's finest piece of work. Because albums are the most accessible doesn't necessarily mean they are the artist's finest work. This tag is for the album that fits into that category. Usually a pretty good introduction album as well; but not always.
= Exactly what it says. That artist's lowest point and an album that will have even hardcore fans passing it up.
= This indicates that, for better or for worse, it's a complete change in sound from the artist's previous studio album.
= Again, exactly what it says. There's much on this album for dedicated fans to love. But casual fans will probably find themselves saying, "What's the big deal?" Sometimes, when an artist has a larger discography, these albums are quite good. And, other times, things like box sets or live albums receive this rating because the nature of such albums is geared towards fans, but that doesn't mean they don't contain things that new or unfamiliar fans won't love.
= Usually a greatest hits or best of collection. It does a very comprehensive job of showing the band at their finest "pop" moments in addition to including some of their better stuff. For some fans, these types of compilations are of no use because they prefer the proper albums. But for others, these are the definitive moments. And sometimes, these kinds of compilations can be hastily and haphazardly thrown together resulting in a less than desirable album. Ones that are worth having will be marked with this rating.
= The album that usually gets the most praise, but I feel that praise is unmerited. It might still be a good record, just not as great as it's been made out to be. This may apply to more than one album if an artist has a large discography.
= A record that either gets a lot of negative criticisms or just usually isn't mentioned when discussing the band/artist's best material (but probably should be mentioned). This may apply to more than one album if an artist has a large discography.
= An absolute masterpiece that falls into one or more of the following categories:
1) A record that is a stellar achievement within its genre of music and is a fantastic overall representative for that style, even though it may not be groundbreaking or all that unique.
2) A groundbreaking album that set some important precedents.
3) A record that I just have a special personal affinity for and think everyone should hear.