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My Pics Page

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this site is always under construction! uhh,i guess e mail me if you have any questions,and even if you dont,just please e mail me anyway cuz i dont get much mail. You can use any of the pics on these page if you like,i dont care if u steal them from me, because y should i care? tom green is "to scary!" Britney Spears hes transforming! uh oh tom!dont pick your nose! PSYCHO He's comin right for us! your not drunk unless you look like this. a bunny, a bunny shes hot hey, dont do that, i like my arms! i heard in class that this is a land mine, lets see what it does. . . dont mess with the chipmunks Tyrant from resident evil 3 dr.dre's album zombie from resident evil hell dog from resident evil RESIDENT EVIL CHARACTERS Leon Kennedy Leon is an idealistic rookie cop. He has quickly become disenchanted with the very system he is trained to uphold as he learns the harsh realities of the real world. He is somewhat reckless and brash, and certainly not as naive as his outward demeanor would have the casual observer believe. Leon is highly qualified for his job and his sense of humor makes him a very likeable officer despite his rowdy attitude. Claire Redfield Claire is a light-hearted and articulate modern women. Her intelligence and optimism combine to make her both worldly and keenly aware of her surroundings. While Claire is a bit of a tomboy at time, she is very attractive and retains very feminine qualities. Her demeanor softens considerably when she deals with children. She can also be described as somewhat of a wild girl. Both extroverted and self-confident, she is typically the first person to try things many other would not. With her strong opinions on most issues,she can come across as quite sarcastic. Ada Wong Ada is a very professional woman, highly skilled and intelligent. However, she also can come across as very condescending with her tendency to talk down to those she deems "inferior" to herself. This is most evident in her tone of voice when addressing others. She is a Chinese-American who is engaged to be married in the near future. Sherry Birkin The daughter of William Birkin, Sherry is a bit insecure yet very intelligent for her age of 12. She is very shy and when she speaks she always sounds a bit unsure of herself like a lost little girl. Her father, William Birkin is a brilliant scientist working for the Umbrella Corporation. Annette Birkin Cold and emotionless, Annette Birkin's obsession with her work has gone to the point that it takes precedence over everything else in her life. Although she has deep feelings for both her husband and daughter, she often does not have time to express them openly. The many hours she has spent in the lab have caused Annette to neglect the emotional needs of her daughter, Sherry. The apparent death of her husband, William, only drives Annette to work harder in completing William's final project; the "G" virus. Ben Bertolucci Ben is a brash reporter. Always striving to get the "perfect" story, Ben has caught on to the Umbrella Conspiracy and knows more than is good for his safety. He is just now starting to realize that he may have gone too far as his recklessness and survival instincts begin to clash. Chief Brian Irons Brian Irons is a self-centered, bitter Chief of Police. Domineering and arrogant, he would rather place blame on another than admit to his own shortcomings. Oddly enough, he sees nothing wrong with his behavior and can't comprehend why his staff is less than cooperative. Although not very popular with his fellow workers, he has aspirations of running for mayor of Raccoon City in the next election. William Birkin William is a classically trained scientist first and foremost, but hardly fits the stereotype. He is by no means socially inept, but rather a "people person". He possesses outstanding intellect, which is whole-heartedly focussed on his research. He projects a clear air of confidence and is extremely sure of his capabilities. His only downfalls are an apparent overconfidence at times and a lack of patience when he is required to explain his brilliant ideas or actions to those with lesser understanding. The future looks bright for William Birkin.


