My Life Goal... One of them
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My Flamingo Dream

A close friend of mine (one featured in the blonde advocate site and in Brazil!) and I have a dream. We have a dream that some day, flamingos won't be limited to the color of their shrimp diet, and that all the mountains will be made low and valleys made high. Well, not really. We just want to make a purple flamingo.

How it began
It all began in our honors biology class one sunny afternoon. For some reason the two of us really liked flamingos. I don't even think they are cute or anything but they are .. pink.. We knew that they are pink because of their shrimp. We also knew that there is special canary food you can buy that turns them red instead of yellow. So why not do it to flamingos?

Next Steps
We decided that someday, when we had the resources to adequately support a flamingo and all of its needs, we would try to create a purple one...perhaps a blue one or a yellow one (school colors being blue/gold), as tribute to our dear high school. We only need to research flamingo nutrition and pigmentation. We think we're pretty cool

She and I managed to fix a pencil sharpener in our math class way back in freshman year (Lang) that no one else could fix. We are intelligent. We can do this. Hey-- at least we have goals in life.

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