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First of have to know that this move can be very dangerous and can cause accidents if done wrong... 1.)First have to be able to jump high...practice jumping...crouch down for some more power in your jump..then jump as high as you must jump as HIGH as you can cant be lazy..this move is dangerous and lack of heighth can be fatal... 2.) when you think you have a good enough you have to have to the guts to be able 2 move isnt consited of doing it step by step..its a ONE time only get one chance... 3.) now once you think your ready for it..this is teh part where you flip...jump as HIGH as you can..and dont wait till you think your high enough..just trust your getting enough air..and kick toward your face and swing your upper body to headbut something in back of you...this will help you get spin..and TUCK in..tucking in allows you to get a faster spin and you have less chances of hitting your head on the ground or anything like that... 4.)now that you have that..just keep practicing...i suggest you get back hand spings down first before attempting this move...and try it on a soft surface a mat..or a matress....NOT HARD FLOOR like concrete or hardwood...better safe than sorry...