1.)first of all..you have to get into hand glide position..if you dont know what that is..then check uot the hand glide description on this site 2.)now that you are in hand glide position..you have to lift your right leg up..and SWING your left leg under..so that you can get some momentum..but at the same time push off with your right hand and roll onto your shoulder blade..some guides say SHOULDER...but dont do that..because that can result in some bruises...so roll onto your shoulder blade...this prevents the amount of bruises and also helps the mill look smooth and graceful 3.)now that you have that down..you should have your right forarm against your chest and your left elbow still stabbed in your gut (do not remove any of these arms from their positions)...and you should also be in a kind of back spin position and having momentum...now...you have to try and LIFT your left leg high up to allow your right leg to pas under....but at the same time..roll over from back to stomach to stab again..you can accomplish this easier if you did what i told you and kept your right arm in your chest..this will allow you to raise your body up so that you can roll onto your stabbing elbow....now...for the whipping the legs right under left...if that didnt work..try to use your hips also..that helps a few bboys...it helped me... 4.)once you have that down.its time for the hardest part..to LINK windmills.its not as easy as it looks..or sounds...because you have to keep it smooth...some tips you can use are..using your forhead on the ground...so that you can elevate your lower body more...to link better...or...just do them slowly..one mill at a time...do one mill.....stop...do another...then day by day try to link them with a less gap of time in between them...and...you WILL ENCOUNTER BRUISES ...so SUCK IT UP! lol...peace -SnapShot