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Born out of outrage and anger. Self-proclaimed saviors who vow to defend to the death, a society plagued by sinister forces that dominate and conquer, leaving in their wake, innocent victims of violence. Enemies of all that is evil, through biting lyrics and throbbing beats that hit you to the very core of your soul…they are the Ghetto Doggs.

Formed on September 17, 1997, a day after a celebrated Laguna massacre, the Ghetto Doggs are a 24-man conglomeration of different rap groups, all of whom write their own songs from the heart. "The most-powerful mouthpiece ever assembled, created and conceptualized to battle the ever-bad, ever-ill society." A cause-oriented, conscience-moving rap group embodying the silent minority of teenage society. Dangerous and deadly, they are evil's worst nightmare come true as every word they rap, every rhyme they utter is a direct attack to the dark and uncivilized members of the underworld. No pretenses. Just the cold, harsh truth. Ghetto Doggs centers its focus from a very high level of angst, never before seen or heard from any other local group or band, maintaining it in such a way that they must never run out of victims to attack and annihilate with rabid statements and lyrics.

Unlike other rappers who claim to "make statements" or "make everyone pay attention," the Ghetto Doggs' idealism as artists, does not and cannot flow on any ordinary rap song. Leading the pack is Pooch, who is a popular figure in the underground world of rap music and also the group's founder, together with arranger and producer Taong Me Dios. Pooch is The Voice, the rebel voice whose very intense and sharp-edged lyrics are derived from a killer-instinct that is coterminous with his motto: "TO DISRESPECT, DETRACT AND VEHEMENTLY LAMBAST PEOPLE WITH EVIL INFLUENCES." Ghetto Doggs are the parallelism to the dark side of society, vocal critics to the sinister syndicates that wreak havoc and destruction anywhere and anyplace at any time.

Despite being relatively new in the rap music scene, ably guided by no less than Mr. Wholesome Andrew E (who acts as the group's manager/consultant in recording directions), they have already reached gold and platinum status for their first and second albums respectively, this despite only two TV appearances due mainly to the harsh and expletive nature of their music. And censorship then wasn't even as strict as it is now.

However, they have now definitely made their presence felt via their recent, jampacked album launching at the Music Museum last December 18, 1999. Their first performance ever before a live crowd was needless to say a "howling" experience, and for the hordes of fans who came to watch, it was definitely a "doggone" success. The album entitled, DEAR CRITICS… is all about of course, the evil-minded, money-centered, "stupid" rappers who think that popularity is everything, people who think rap is the poor man's music, ignoramuses who think rap and metal music can blend and get away with bloody murder. DEAR CRITICS… is also for rappers out there who don't look back from where they came, but are conceited enough to look ahead at where they're headed - only instead of at the top of the heap, it's down below some loony bin.

So beware all you out there who hate the likes of Ghetto Doggs to the hilt…DEAR CRITICS… is for you. Hear it and you're gonna get it. Right where the sun don't shine.

The Ghetto Doggs are: Muthaphuckin' Pooch, Sakmal, Rappin' Lappa, Kid Rabis, Phangil, Rapweiller, Khagatt, Kalmot, Hingal, Gharapppata, Bandidogg, Azzongatngat, 8-Dogg, YT, Azongulol, Burubudoggz, Joz Palahi, Valdog, Doggztyle, Z-Tah, Alindog, GalizAso, Dawg Thug, Ngasabb.