The crew originally formed in LA. B-Boys and B-Girls decided to join up, and make a crew called "Ground Tech." Sooner or later, the crew broke up because the B-Boys and B-Girls eventually stopped b-boying or probably wasn't feeling the crew. So the crew died, and wasn't heard of for several years.

In Suisun, California, a crew called Zero Limit began to come up in the Suisun-Fairfield area. They were a strong army of 7, but then eventually problems began to occur, and Jay-R left the crew with Jake (two of Zero Limt's orignals).

For three - four months, Jay-R was a solo beginner. He wanted a crew of his own and a crew of his own level. So he asked his boys Allan, Chaddy, Matt, and Andrew to form a crew with them. They all agreed, but they needed a name. One day, Jay-R asked his brother's girlfriend for some names he could use. Princess (Former member of the original Ground Tech.) told him he should use "Ground Tech."

Later on in the year, the crews Zero Limit and Ground Tech. began to fall apart. No one was really feeling it from Zero Limit anymore except Warren, Mike, and Nick. Ground Tech. had the same problem. So both crews decided to break up, but Warren, Nick, Mike, and Jay-R still sessioned together. They decided to make a crew again, and this time they were going to take it seriously. They became the new "Ground Tech."

Later on, they began recruiting more dedicated b-boys, not only in the fairfield-suisun area, but in vallejo as well. They got Nathan, Thien, and JP in the crew. And a couple weeks after that, the crew recruited 3 former Jizz Junkiez members. They were Darwin, Dexter, and Roy. And that's how we formed. So that's the whole damn story.

-Written By - Bboy Optimus (Jay-R, the originator)