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Cousy's CD Reviews- Evanescence- Fallen

Weeks of Nov.20, 2003-Jan.16, 2004

ALBUM: Fallen
ARTIST: Evanescence
LABEL: Windup/Epic- 2003
RATING: 8 out of 10

[[Alright folks, we’re gonna try a new format with this latest cd review. I’ll make some general comments on the album itself, then do a 1 line analysis on my favourite songs, grouping them into categories of “Home Run, Hit and Out” It’s a sports motif! This will provide you with a concise yet informative and creative review of an album to give you a better idea of what to expect. Okay, let’s go to work.]]

Evanescence, to the best of my descriptive powers, is a hard rock band complemented with strings and a powerful, emotion-provoking female voice. It’s a bit like rock opera I suppose, because of the orchestral element and the spine-chilling, nerve-tingling voice of lead singer Amy Lee. Those two qualities make Evanescence stand out a little from the alternative rock sound of today. ‘Fallen’ is an 11 song album which mixes power chord playing, head-banging type songs with beautiful, haunting piano tunes. And it’s all quite catchy too. My only complaint is that some tracks mimic each other lyrically and stylistically so lyrics do overlap and sounds do mesh a little.

Going Under- powerful song, great lyrics, very catchy chord progression, great mix of loud and quiet
Bring Me To Life- this is the hit that brought them to fame, much like Going Under, it rocks
My Immortal- more based around piano, slower tune, beautiful vocals and thought-provoking lyrics
Hello- such a pretty song, all piano and vocals, you can feel this song in your mind and heart.
HITS: Everybody’s Fool, Tourniquet, Taking Over Me
OUTS: Haunted, Imaginary, My Last Breath, Whisper

That said, ‘Fallen’ is an album that can be looped a few times in one sitting. It’s unfortunate that Evanescence is in danger of going under with their lead guitarist, leaving their world tour recently. Here’s hoping the band isn’t following the words of their latest song “Going Under”.

By: Cousy

© CuJo Music 2006