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Cousy's CD Reviews- Lifehouse- No Name Face

Weeks of July.2 to July.21, 2003

ALBUM: No Name Face
ARTIST: Lifehouse
LABEL: Dreamworks- 2000
RATING: 9.25 out of 10

This album was given to me for Christmas 2001, as I had asked for on my Christmas wish list. There were two reasons I wanted the album: I really enjoyed Hanging By A Moment (the number one hit off the release) and I thought the soft alternative rock style the band had was great. However, Lifehouse surprised me, because there were more slow tunes than I expected. And even more surprising, the slow tunes were, without a doubt, my favourites. I’ll explain myself.

Lifehouse is a little deceiving. At first glance, they appear to be just another normal alternative band, with the status quo electric guitars, bass, drums and an edgy singing voice (a la Eddie Vedder). There are also songs on the first album, like Breathing and Cling and Clatter that follow the typical alternative rock sound of the late 90’s (Vertical Horizon, Creed). What makes the west coast American band different is their ability to really create a wonderful mix of lyrical ballad beauty. By that, I mean, songwriter Jason Wade sings so honestly and down to earth about the crazy jumble of feelings one experiences when searching for love, being in and out of relationships, etc. Only One and Everything describe two very different emotions about a girl, in different tempos and with different instruments yet somehow they flow together so smoothly.

I can play this album straight through or put it on shuffle and it’s a pleasure to listen to each time. Somehow, Lifehouse discovered a solid balance between up-tempo and slow tempo tunes, worked hard on making unique yet powerful ballads and stayed true to catchy pop/rock melodies all at the same time. This is why I consider them alternative, because they are the alternative to the original pop/rock band. It’s very easy on the ears, and although not every track on ‘No Name Face’ is a top 40 hit, I dare you to tell me there aren’t two songs on this disc that you will not like. Besides, Hanging By A Moment was the number 1 hit of 2001 in the USA, that’s a reason on its own to check out Lifehouse!

By: Cousy

© CuJo Music 2006