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Cousy's CD Reviews- Bush- Sixteen Stone

Weeks of Jan.23-Mar.8, 2004

ALBUM: Sixteen Stone
LABEL: Interscope- 1994
RATING: 7.5 out of 10

Bush X or Bush arrived on the music scene at just the right time for grunge music. I mean, c’mon, Nirvana had just opened a door for alternative grunge music and with them, a busload of bands followed them. This is one of them and their first album, Sixteen Stone is a credible addition to a rock or alternative music collection. The similarities to Nirvana are very vivid but what they do, they do well- and that is rockin out with power-hungry electricity and raspy voiced mantras. Oh yes, there are some catchy tracks too, no doubt. It’s a solid first effort with some very well-known singles spawning off of it: aka Machinehead and Glycerine. By far, those are the best songs of the album- such a contrast between the two but Gavin Rossdale and company succeed with both the hard songs and the softer ones.

Everything Zen- some sweet guitar work here, energetic start to the cd, very tight
Comedown- the chorus rocks, I like the lyrical theme in it and it’s quite a catchy slower alternative tune
Machinehead- all about the repetition here with words and the rockin’ guitar riff, woo!
Glycerine- best song on the album- softer, strings in the background and very inspiring lyrics
HITS: Little Things, Alien
FOULS:Body, X-Girlfriend
OUTS: Swim, Bomb, Testosterone, Monkey

The bottom line: Bush is good at grunge, but not great. Breathe in, breathe out…

By: Cousy

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