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Sleeps Downstairs Interview Archive

Exclusive Interview #4 with Sleeps Downstairs (June 5, 2002)

- all quotes from Alex J. (Sandy) in yellow
- all quotes from Steve in green

LOCATION: In the atrium at Trinity C.H.S.
REPORTER: Cousy, reporting for Sleeps Downstairs Fan Site and JoE's Place
TIME: 11:45am-11:55am
TOPIC: Sleeps Downstairs: sleeping or pretending to sleep?

Hey guys.
Hey Joe, do you have time for an interview with us?
Does it look like I have time to talk with you jerks?!
Sandy & Steve-Yeah.
Yeah, you're right. Okay, give me a second. (Cousy gets his pen and paper and begins the question asking)
Steve, why do you have paint on your hands?

Well, I was painting. It's slave labour, and I'm keeping the battle scars to prove what's going on. Sleeps Downstairs is being oppressed, they've got no idea that we're better than them all.
Yeah, see, that's why the crowds are here... cause we're here and we're getting popular. The older generation is oppressing us though, not the younger generation.
(Note: The atrium was host today for Trinity Letter Day, where students were gathering signatures from teachers for events they have done over the years)
Why hasn't there been any music lately?
There was a chance of release today but I forgot the demo disc. But the clips we have out, those are definitely the best ones.
We're taking a break, we're back from tour and all. Duvet's getting heavy coverage on the radio and it's not even top notch. It was only our first run.
Any chance of Sleeps Downstairs gaining a new member?
No. We're a duo.
We don't want to deal with someone having to learn new songs. Actually, we're thinking about releasing a new single, the A side would include "Why We Hate Canadian Music" and the B side, "The Soccer Song".
I'd just like to point out to you that the profanity in my answers has gonde down. I'm less harsh. I figure... the world doesn't need another self-involved, ignorant f*ckhead.
The label was putting pressure on Steve to be the bad guy, the aggressive one. But, we don't want to do what the label wants. F*ck the label.
Yeah, f*ck it.
Any plans for the summer months?
We were offered the opening for Pleezer but I don't know what's going on with that. I don't get involved with managing.
Me either but yeah, hopefully that works out. Got the graduation on the 26th, and the 'rents are getting me an acoustic guitar. That'll be good and ah...we'll keep in touch over the email and we've got the website so...
The band will flourish once Steve gets his guitar and starts practising up to a good level. Then, we'll start writing some serious material. The sky's the limit for Sleeps Downstairs.
One final question, as you know. I expect a one word or phrase answer to this question. I'm only going to ask this question once, and then never again but I feel it's the people's right to know.... Would Sleeps Downstairs ever consider running for political office?
Yeah, never.

Chat Interview #2 with Sleeps Downstairs member Alex J. (Sandy) Vance (May 14, 2002)

- all quotes from Alex J.(ALEX) in yellow

LOCATION: In the Sleeps Downstairs MSN Chat Room.
REPORTER: J-C "Jigga Jigga" Childs(E-SD Web Co-ordinator), reporting for Sleeps Downstairs Fan Site and JoE's Place
TIME: unknown
TOPIC: The man above the shadow- Alex J. (Sandy) Vance

Welcome to the Sleeps Downstairs Chat Interview. Hello, Alex.
ALEX - Hello.
SDWEB - Are you currently sleeping downstairs?
ALEX - In more ways than you know, mein freund. I'm always sleeping downstairs.
SDWEB - What prompted you and Steve to name the band "Sleeps Downstairs"?
ALEX - That's a funny story, actually.
SDWEB - Your take on...
ALEX - Levity?
SDWEB - How did you first become interested in music, specifically making it?
ALEX - I once had a dream that I could play guitar, and when I woke up, I found my dad's old electric and gave it a shot. What I found shocked me - I sucked. But I worked on it for many many years, and I suppose that my songwriting is just a natural product of that. I've written about 200 songs so far, and I"m not kidding, I've got them all on tape or cd in a big shoebox in my bedroom. I'm probably the only one who'll ever hear 98 percent of them, though.
SDWEB - Define "art," if you will. The word "art" and all it entails, in your opinion.
ALEX - I see art as taking everything that's swirling around in my head at any given moment, and then fitting it into a format that I'm comfortable with, be it music, drawing, etc, etc. I'm into art. I dig the art.
SDWEB - How do you apply your beliefs about art to the music that you create in Sleeps Downstairs?
ALEX - I try and keep it simple and keep it pure - I see no reason to make things overly complicated, because I believe that with complication comes corrosion and corruption. I also try and keep what I'm saying a little less than obvious. There's a certain beauty in obscurity.
SDWEB - Is band warfare a priority of yours? Steve thinks it is.
ALEX - I actually haven't spoken to Steve in several weeks. Artistic differences.
SDWEB - If there were a popularity contest today, who would win? Pleezer or Sleeps Downstairs?
ALEX - Obviously Sleeps Downstairs. We're the number one band in Guam.
SDWEB - Comment candidly on your partner in crime, Steve St. Pierre.
ALEX - Steve impregnated Madonna.
SDWEB - Final question - if given a choice, would you rather sky-dive into Antarctica for 3 meals a day OR sail on a pirate ship that has yet to find treasure.
ALEX - The third one.
SDWEB - Thanks very much and talk to you again soon!
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