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Sleeps Downstairs Interview Archives

Chat Interview #1 with Sleeps Downstairs member Steve St.Pierre (May 12, 2002)

- all quotes from Steve (cheers) in green

LOCATION: In the Sleeps Downstairs MSN Chat Room.
REPORTER: J-C "Jigga Jigga" Childs(E-SD Web Co-ordinator), reporting for Sleeps Downstairs Fan Site and JoE's Place
TIME: 12:00am
TOPIC: The man behind the image- Steve St. Pierre

Good morning Steve and welcome to the Sleeps Downstairs Chat Interview.
cheers says: Yea, ok, let's get this f*cking show going.
SD Webman says: Are you currently sleeping downstairs?
cheers says: You don't know the half of it, b*tch.
SD Webman says: Interesting.
cheers says: And yea, I am. That a f*cking problem?
SD Webman says: At this point in time, no. What prompted you and Alex J to name the band "Sleeps Downstairs"?
cheers says: It all goes back to a movie we both like, it's called "Chasing Amy". It's about your mom. Wait, your mom's name isn't Amy, is it?
SD Webman says: My mom's name is irrevelant to the course of this interview. Your take on profanity, Steve, does it make a person seem less intelligent to you?
cheers says: Whoa, hold the f*ck up. I didn't finish answering the first question. Ben Affleck's in Chasing Amy, and if you listen to the commentary track on the DVD, you'll hear that, during filming, Affleck slept in Kevin Smith's, the director's, basement. And onto the next question - I think a person who swears is simply trying to hide their actual f*cking*t.
SD Webman says: How did you first become interested in music, specifically, making music?
cheers says: I've been into music since I was young, used to sing along in the backseat to the old sh*t - f*cking Wilson Phillips and Glass Tiger and sh*t. My musical tastes are still ecclectic, don't know what the f*ck I'm gonna listen to next. But yea, as far as making music goes, I've been wanting to start a band or whatever since like, grade 10 or 11. I enjoy singing, and I f*ck around the keyboard from time to time, so y'know, I did what I did.
SD Webman says: So, your interest in music is directly related to your promiscuity around a keyboard? Fascinating.
cheers says: Did you not f*cking listen? It goes back to Wilson f*cking Phillips.
SD Webman says: I heard, that's why I'm asking the next question.
cheers says: You don't know what you're talking about half the time, do you Cousineau?
cheers says: You'd be a good paperweight.
cheers says: Screw journalism, slap your weight down on some paper.

SD Webman says: Actually, I am not Cousineau. I am a reporter for the E- Sleeps Downstairs team. Moving on from the business of paperweights, define art if you will
cheers says: art, being what?
SD Webman says: the word art and all that it entails
SD Webman says: in your opinion, of course.
cheers says: Of course it's in my opinion, you're asking me the f*cking questions...knob. Yea, art is the epilogue to the human's natural existence on earth, whereby they use the beauty of God's gifts to display the moreso beauty that can only be found by pure exploration and inner thoughts. Yea, art is cool sh*t.
SD Webman says: How do you plan to apply your beliefs of art to the music you will create in Sleeps Downstairs?
cheers says: I'll take a sh*t on stage. Geez, I don't f*cking know! We'll see when the time comes.
SD Webman says: Fair enough. Do you think there's room in the music market for Sleeps Downstairs?
cheers says: Definitely. We beat up the Moffatts to gain a space in the market. The scratched the sh*t out of us. Dumb b*tches.
SD Webman says: So band warfare is a prime focus of yours?
cheers says: Well, we only beat up the Moffatts 'cause Pleezer was busy.
SD Webman says: Pleezer for those of you who don't know is....
cheers says: Roger Bainbridge and Kevin Conway's band. They're uber-weenies.

SD Webman says: If there were a popularity contest today, would Pleezer or Sleeps Downstairs win?
cheers says: There's no doubt in the fact that we would be winning. By the way, if you happen to see to guys bound and gagged backstage at said popularity contest, it wasn't us.
cheers says: ...who put them there.
SD Webman says: Hostile actions...I'll never tell.
Serious question now: Comment candidly on your partner in crime, Alex J. (Sandy) Why Alex J. to form a band with?

cheers says: Honestly, this guy's great. I knew he had musical talent, but how much I never really could tell. I asked him to form a band 'cause he's always been a good guy and I knew we shared the same taste in music. Yea, don't think I could've picked a better bandmate.
SD Webman says: Steve, final question here on our first chat interview with Sleeps Downstairs member Steve St-Pierre.
cheers says: Bout f*cking time
SD Webman says: If given the choice, would you pick harvesting squirrels or teaching birds to fly and why?
cheers says: You're a d*ck.
SD Webman says: the fans are pretty adamant about an answer here Kcid Rock (a.k.a Steve)
cheers says: I'd prefer to shove my size 13 shoe up your ass.
SD Webman says: so the fans... the kids are no longer important?
cheers says: The kids are always important. They're the one's making our merchandise. Your cheque's are in the mail, kids!
SD Webman says: And with those words, another Sleeps Downstairs exclusive interview has closed. Stay tuned next time when we do an in-depth analysis of Sleeps Downstairs and their possible relationship with the child slave labour trade in Hong Kong. Good night everyone!

*END OF INTERVIEW*____________________________________________*END OF INTERVIEW*
cheers says: I said too much. Aw, sh*t.

Exclusive Interview with Sleeps Downstairs (May 6, 2002)

- all quotes from Sandy in yellow
- all quotes from Steve in green

LOCATION: The Atrium @ Holy Trinity C.H.S.
REPORTER: Joe (Cousy), reporting for Sleeps Downstairs Fan Site and JoE's Place
TIME: 11:40-12:00
TOPIC: Sleeps Downstairs and the 5 W's + other assorted questions (cont.)

What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
We want to have so many albums that people won't want to listen to us anymore. They'll be sick of us.
I think the climax, for us, would be to have our picture on pogs. We've been talking with a Hawaiian Pogman about getting our faces on a metal slammer.... they're all dicks.

How many albums are you looking to produce?
74. That's the number we're looking at.
Yeah. Maybe 75, but 74 sounds pretty good to me. By the way, I have an update on the status of our song, "art". It will no longer be called "art", changed to "Duvet".

How clever? Cause it's a song of many different sounds and covers, kinda like you're quilting it together...
Eat a dick Cousy! It's f*ckin' DUVET!
HA HA HA HA HA (cont'd for 10 or so seconds)

All right. Understood. Your album... has no title as of yet.
We're looking at possibilities for it right now. /font>

Are you looking forward to your photo shoot scheduled for later today?
I don't f*ckin' care. I see myself in the mirror everyday.
Yeah, me too, and I'm not really impressed.
Yup, we are just two pasty white b*tches.
Exclusive Interview with Sleeps Downstairs (May 3, 2002) - all quotes from Sandy in yellow
- all quotes from Steve in green

LOCATION: The Atrium @ Holy Trinity C.H.S.
REPORTER: Joe (Cousy), reporting for Sleeps Downstairs Fan Site and JoE's Place
TIME: 8:30-8:40, 11:40-12:00
TOPIC: Sleeps Downstairs and the 5 W's + other assorted questions

What would you consider your strongest attribute?
Well, probably our high-pitched screaming in Jane by Weezer. We sing that a capella, a falsetto tone.
It sounds like a pre-pubescent boy getting hit in the nuts by a giant softball.

Why did you pick Roger as the main target of your first album concept?
Why not? We plan on approaching more serious topics once we get our foot in the door.

Any tour dates planned?
Definitely free shows in the atrium. Also, there's supposed to be a big year-end concert at school too. That's in the works.

What style or genre of music would you define your band as?
Mellow rock.
How about freedom? Yeah, freedom, our own genre.
Yeah, screw that pop/alternative sh*t!

Now, what is your slogan again for those who don't already know?
We're Pleezer's non-union Mexican equivalent.

Ha Ha. Okay.
Actually, we had a jam session today in the music room where we made a 45 minute long song.

45 minutes?!! Wow, what was your incentive to construct a song as long as that?
Well, we were goofing around and then we realized we could lay down some 'phat beetz'.
I was playing Sunday Bloody Sunday on the keyboard. Then, Sandy joined with some drumbeats and we went from there. We played lots of stuff, various covers of songs and stuff.
Then, we couldn't think of an ending.
But who the f*ck cares?!
So we ended with the beginning

How do you expect the 45-minute song not to get boring after a while?
The song doesn't get boring because the song's always changing.
It's a mosaic...
...a collage
of various influences, stitched together by Steve's keyboard...
.. and Alexander J's beats. We're gonna center an album around it.

So you have a new album coming out? A new concept?
Yeah. The new album will consist of the 45 minute song, yet to be named, and maybe 3 or 4 other tracks. Probably have a couple hidden tracks in there too.

Right on. What about the Roger Bainbridge Tribute Album? Is that plan dumped or just shelved?
It's shelved for now. We're not abandoning it, just waiting to craft some good music for it.

How will Sleeps Downstairs keep its edge?
Well, we got kicked out of the music room today...
... because there was too much 'rawk' in one room to handle. Spell it r a w k too, not r o c k.

How about merchandise for Sleeps Downstairs?
We have t-shirts. 2 currently, they're 10 dollars each and hand-crafted.
Yeah, Zellers overcharges on t-shirts so we've only made 2 so far. Merchandise will be available as soon as our domain name is bought.

Future plans down the road for the group?
We're gonna have a world tour in the summer, starting at Club Zepp in Osaka, Japan. Then to Europe, Iowa...
...Wisconsin, Club Dekcuf in Ottawa and we'll end in the Yukon.

What the heck is Club Dekcuf?
It's f*cked backwards Cousy. And there really is a club named that.

Oh. Alright, so explain a little more about the group and what you want to achieve with your first album.
We're a 2 man group. At the end of our first album, we're gonna have a spoken-word piece with Matt Johnson.
We'll have more depth to our music too. Maybe some beat poetry...
Yeah, we don't want to be a one-note pony. Some progressive heavy metal influence too, like YES.
Work in the acoustic guitar with hard, driven vocals...
and most of our songs will be about, you know, sexual frustration and living in your basement. Stuff like that.

Well, I'm gonna have to go but last question. I'd like a one word or one phrase reply if you can. *pause for about 20 seconds* What....what would happen if you moved 'upstairs'?

I got this one. *pause for a few seconds* Intergalactic Civil War
Sandy nods in agreement

Thanks very much for your time guys, expect to see this up on the web site in a few days.

© CuJo Web 2002