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Sleeps Downstairs Acoustic Appetizers

The first Sound Clips from 'Duvet'
*Note - In Internet Explorer, to download, right click and choose "Save Target As". In Netscape, "Save Link As".

The zip file, including 4 sound clips from the song Duvet. A big download, but well worth it!

Sleeps Downstairs Eye Candy

Videos of group
Videos are hard to hear, therefore transcripts are provided.

Interview Clip #1

Cousy - Sleeps Downstairs exclusive interview number three. What would you say is your favourite fruit?

Sandy holds up half-eaten piece of watermelon.

Steve - It's watermelon...d*ck.

Interview Clip #2

Cousy - I guess the next question I have to ask is how is your new song, your first single, "Du-vette" coming along?

Sandy - Um, it's called "Du-vey".

Steve - It's "Du-vey" you f*cking c*ck. Are you french?

Cousy - Yes.

Steve - Jesus f*cking Christ!

Interview Clip #3

Cousy - *inaudible mumblings* What are your plans for the future?

Sandy - I plan on staying out of prison.

Steve - I'm f*ckin' sick of this sh*t. F*ck you.

Sandy - Yea, f*ck off.

Practice Sessions - One - Two

Photos of group
*Note- Click on links to see them in full size. Photos do take time to load as they are bigger files.
If you don't have the patience, return to the main page now.
If you are patient or have a fast connection, ENJOY!*

Alex J. holds a piece of watermelon, which he is eating, as Steve looks on. The watermelon will be going up on ebay for auction when we recover the watermelon slice from the garbage.

Steve (left) grimaces as he faces the camera with the big sunglasses on. Alex J (right) stares off into the atrium at whatever strange and exciting events are happening.

The second promo photo for Sleeps Downstairs. Truly, they are a caring pair of musical artists whose only wishes are to bring peace into the world and be a positive influence for the kids of today. Wow. What great messengers of music they will be.

NEW!!! Made by Alex J himself, this is a true Sleeps Downstairs work of art. Sleeps Downstairs, as cool as the sunset. Yeah, that's right.

Also, check out the new Sleeps Downstairs Wallpaper (1024x768) for use on your home computer!!! Click on the small version of it to bring up a whole version.

The 2nd Sleeps Downstairs Wallpaper has been created, the 800 x 600 version. Done by Steve from Sleeps Downstairs, this is a great wallpaper and a definite fan collector's item!

© CuJo Web 2002 c/o Sleeps Downstairs Inc.