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"Exams? Ha, exams are just hogwash..."

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Updated: June 4th
Sleeps Downstairs is guessed it, sleeping in the basement. That's right, the band is dormant right now with the sudden rush for exams on the way. They're spending time... no, not studying but vedging on the couch, relaxing and laughing at all those stressed out dudes pulling their hair out as they try and force another math equation or english quote into their minds.

Don't worry, Sleeps Downstairs will soon return to enlighten and relieve society's stresses with their carefree and let-loose improvisational style of music. Until then, enjoy what SD has so far and feel free to read over interviews again, because they're just that good!
Let SD know what you think by sending us an email.
Sleeps Downstairs Web Admin

Continue to visit daily for more updates on the hottest trend-setting band since devil-sticks and Jimmy Ray from (Are You Jimmy Ray? Who Wants to know, who wants to know? stardom)!!
- Reporting for Sleeps Downstairs: Cousy "We Can Work It Out" Lunchinstomach

Alexander (Sandy) Vance- guitar & vocals
Stephen (Steve) St-Pierre- vocals & keyboard
April 23rd, 2002
Why did they form?
- "Boredom. A lack of things to do and we were bored of Pleezer." - Sandy
Album News:
The Roger Bainbridge Album is being put on hold for now, please see exclusive interview in the Box o' Info page for details. Currently working on new album idea, which is currently untitled and will be composed of mostly original work.
Tour Dates:
As of now, no official tour has been announced. On randomly selected dates, the band will perform in the atrium at Holy Trinity C.H.S for a bargain price of $0. All proceeds will go to the Sleep Disability Institute in Kenora, Ontario.

This website is affiliated with the Sleeps Downstairs Band and is a joint venture of the future Any reproduction of this website and its entitled properties can only be done with the expressed written consent of Sleeps Downstairs Inc. and/or © CuJo Web.