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Theories Surrounding
Tupac's Death

There are hundreds upon thousands of 'Theories' as to why Tupac Shakur may still be alive.  However, I have decided to post only 10 of these theories.  Personally, I think Tupac is dead and gone, but here's my top ten most 'convincing' theories for those of you who think otherwise...

1  In 1996 Tupac changed his stage name from "2Pac" to "Makaveli", after the 16th century philosopher Machiavelli. Machiavelli was most famous for staging his own death to fool his enemies, something that Tupac allegedly spoke of doing.


2  If you listen to track 4 on CD1 of "Greatest Hits", Tupac says "Rest in peace to my motherfucka Biggie Smalls". This is odd since Tupac "died" the year before Biggie.

3  Tupac was cremated the day after his death, very unusual for the case of a murder, as the body is often kept for several weeks for examination. Christian families usually bury their dead around a week after their death.

4  Neither the white Cadillac nor its owner were ever traced.

5  Tupac ALWAYS wore a bulletproof vest. Why not this time? Surely he would have worn a vest at such a public event.

6  The artwork on Tupac's final album depicts him crucified on a cross, possibly symbolising his death and future ressurection.

7  Death Row records had so much to gain with hundreds of unreleased 2Pac songs...The death of an artist would cause sales to go rocket sky high

8  Tupac's final album cover contains the phrase "EXIT 2PAC-ENTER MAKAVELI", this is almost too eeirly prophetic for a "prediction" or "co-incidence"

9  Videos indicate clues...such as "I Ain't Mad Atcha", where Tupac is waiting to enter heaven, and "Toss It Up", where Tupac is wearing a pair of training shoes which were available to buy AFTER September 13th.

10  Write down the title for Tupac's last album, "Makaveli The Don: Killuminati, The Seven Day Theory". An Anagram spells (give or take a letter or two) "ya never killed me on the 7th, I'm alive"








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