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lil' corner: [much luv goin' out]

David: goodness...u actually received my letter..^^ thought it was gonna get lost sumwhere lyke the christmas card..well u better get your 3.8 for ur examsss...i'm expectin to see u here by dis year!and juss to remind u..for the 1 millionth time..u still owe me sumthin..soo..get it done asap as well yeah or else *evil grin* hahha :P take care of urself! go shipuh yo.
Sonny:sonnz..hopefully the situation with sonya beanz will improve,don't get too upset.well it's true that shit happens all the time but good stuff happens as well..u're a nice person..good things will come along ur way,jus be patient.
Quincy:I guess you must be either in Las Vegas or sumwhere in the rocky mountains enjoying the lovely works of nature togetha with your honey :) well enjoy urself! looking forward to seeing you in Singapore.
Wayan:freezing kangaroos n sleepin koalas -_-;;
Mengti:My Mr Sacarstic..hhaha ^^ I really thank you too.For never failing to listen to all my shit even tho you may have listened to them umpteen times but still u continue givin me advice..and mama bitchslapping me to get real..hahah.I also want to thank you for the sincere compliments you have given me..never in a million years would I have imagine that you would actually give compliments so hahaha it means alot to me..and it has helped me in a way too.So thank you..and talk to u real soon ^^
Ram:Mr healthy!'re like the most healthy friend i have er hehehe well you already know that.Well,good luck with your appointment with the air force next week.Hopefully we'll get to meet up soon.Take care.
Karen:Pls don't lose your faith.
Ryan:Fried brocolli technique :D
Maisie:Good luck with your O's can do it.Later on when you look back,you're gonna see it was alllll worth it.

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