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Phunk Masta Phat - Story of a Phat Kid

This is the story of Phunk Masta Phat, as told by him. It is in the form of a rap becasue PMP loves to bust.

"Listen up mutha fucka heres my biography.

The rap fairy tale thats all about me.

I cuss like a sailor, but ain't got a boat

Stuck it in your moms trailor made her scream like a goat.

Baa diddy baa diddy where did i learn to rap?

I think the idea came from my nut sack.

I was sittin home watchin mtv

And saw all the hos that should be getting with me

I was like, "Damn if i could bust a rap

I would have those hos on my dee-I-ack."

Now step back, to my first track

Made in the basement, with my pc and some snack.

I ate a lot, busted all flow.

But i still ain't seen one mo-flow'n ho

No, no is this a bad dream?

Probably just another part of the rap scheme

Deem worthy is El Bobo, who bust with me

And you better know, my crew my posse, the fucking Core

Step to us and we'll bust down the door

With raps and freestyle, tp and shit

Man we'll fuck you up just cause you a bitch."

(And now the story on how he got his name.)

"The name is Phunk Masta Phat when I bust the rap,

I got the name cause I lay down the funk just like that.

Free styles and flows funked for fat hos

My real name is super fuck'n mega man Joe

Well in real life it is part of some other dudes name

But I realized that only after I spit the game

So oh well, ya know, what the shit

I changed the last part so he shouldn't bitch."

-Phunk Masta Phat-